Chapter 1: Simple Questions

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I've always enjoyed the park, the smell of grass, the sound of other kids having fun, along with the bright sun hitting your skin. I love the park, "John! Look here baby!" My mom yells from across the way, I look in the direction.


The bright light quickly fades. The day is darker, duller, than before, and she's not like herself. She's looking down at her camera, her hair covers her expression. "Mom?" I call out, she doesn't move from her position, leaned over her camera.

In the distance, I see my dad approaching from behind her, he walks past her towards me. I remember this same scenario, because I relive this moment day after day. The clouds cover the skies, loud sounds of thunder, and I'm there, in the same sandbox.

He rushes to me, grabbing me by my arm, pulling me up. "Stand up, we're leaving" he demanded, I stumble "W-why?" I ask, he avoids my look, dragging me along. "You're mom apparently thinks her stupid fucking camera is more important than being a mother, we're leaving" he says. I quickly turn to her, "Mom?" I call out to her. She looking down at a flower hidden by the grass.


"Mom?" I say slightly louder, she doesn't react, my dad pulls me, causing me to fall. "MOM?" I yell out, she doesn't listen, continuing to look through her camera. "Get on your fucking feet and walk" he threatens, I reach out for her "DON'T LEAVE HER, PLEASE" I scream out. He picks me up, carrying me away, I look back to her. I see her turn her head, facing her camera towards me.


I fall to the ground, I grip the grass, feeling the blades between my fingers. My breathing heavy, my chest tight as I feel myself start to cry. Closer and closer I hear steps, her steps, her comforting presence. I reach my hand out, touching her shoe "Mom... I can't do this.. Please come home" my words almost at a whisper.

"John.." I look up to her voice, she has her face covered by the camera, blocking her eyes. "John" I'm confused by her call to me, "Mom?" I say to her, "John? John are you listening?" She says.

Soap POV

"John? Can you fucking pay attention, can't have you spazing out for the interview" my manager says to me. I blink a few times, taking in my surroundings, he snaps in front of me. "You need a water? ABIGAIL, BRING ME A WATER" he yells out, "No- I don't need a water" I say, waving him off. He rolls his eyes, "You can take it with you on your way to the interview, get out" he waves me out.

I stand "Yep, thank you Sam" I say walking to the door, "Mr. Harrison" he corrects. "Yeah, uh thanks Sam!" I hear him groan, "John-" I give him a thumbs up, "Love this opportunity, if I had money to pay you back, I'd highly consider it" I say out closing his office door, I hear his voice muffled from the other side of the door. I walk over to his assistant's desk, "Hey Abby, still hate your job?" I ask, leaning over.

"I told Mr. Hardass that I quit, and he proceeded to laugh and send me an edible arrangement, you'll never guess what the note says" she says. "What color was the foil they wrapped it with?" I ask, "Yellow and green" she tells me. Her and his favorite colors, "I don't know what I did, sorry, don't tell my wife we're sleeping together?" I joke. She chuckles at my comment, "It might as well have, but no, it was an address and a room key" she says. I cover my ears, "Lalala don't tell me, I don't want to get summoned to court when his wife finds him handcuffed to a hotel bed" I say.

She crosses her arms, leaning back in her chair, "Primary Witness, John MacTavish, to the stand please" she jokes. I walk away flipping her off "Your interview is at 4, good luck!" She tells me. Now it's time for the best part of my job, rushing out to the parking lot to my car, to drive half an hour to a weird area in the city. I love earning money that looks like I do porn, so so much.

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