Chapter 5: Introductory Period

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Soap POV

Broken bottles, loud noises, and screams all around. Just cover your ears, it'll be fine "I told you already, I'm not sleeping around" my mom tells my dad. He throws a plate on the ground, causing it to shatter, glass flying. I hide behind the couch, bringing my knees to my chest. "Oh sorry, I didn't know that you were friends, is that why I found you guys all snugged on each other?" My dad counters angrily.

"I was having a hard day-" he hits what sounds like the counter, "So you go to him? I take care of you, I let you live here, eat food that I buy, and you go to him?" he yells. I cover my ears, resting my head down, "Y-you wanted  me to stay home when we had John" my mom says. I hear glass shattering, "SO YOU FUCK SOMEBODY BECAUSE I FORCED YOU TO BE HERE?" he yells.

It's silent for a moment, "W-well-" I hear a rustling noise, followed by a scared sound from my mom. "Do I force you to be here?" He asks her, his tone darker than before. "Cameron.. L-let me.." I hear a loud slap, followed by a painful scream. "DO I FORCE YOU TO BE HERE? Last time I checked, you're not in a fucking ball and chain, leave me then, go, and see if anyone fucking cares about a bitch who doesn't even pay attention to anything but her camera" my dad yells.

I hear what sounds like her falling to the ground, "No.. no no no, I'm sorry, don't leave me here, I'M SORRY, PLEASE, I'll do better!" she pleas out. I hear a jingle of keys, "PLEASE DON-" a door opens and slams shut. The room is quiet, I peek my head from the side of the couch, seeing my mom on the floor facing the door.

"M.. mom?" I quietly call out, she slowly turns to me. "Star..?" she says to me, we make eye contact and she lets out a breathless laugh. "Come here" she says, beckoning me with her hand, I come from behind the couch, slowly walking towards her. Her hair a mess, covering her face, small gasps of air coming from her.

She grabs my arm, keeping her head down, "You know.. In a way star.." I'm confused by her words. "This wouldn't have happened.. If you weren't here.. So this is.." She looks up at me, an angry look in her eyes. "Your fault" She quickly raises her hand in the air.

I force my eyes open, gasping for air, I focus my eyes on the roof. My body drenched in sweat, breaths heavy on my chest, "Jesus fuck.." I say. I sit up, grabbing my phone, 10:20am. Three text from Abby, four calls from Sam, and an email from Morgan and Co. "Oh what great options" I stand up reading the text from Abby.

'You make it home?'  9:32pm
'We're leaving the bar, let me know when you get home'   10:17pm
'I was checking the corporate email and I hadn't seen anything saying that you were accepted, I'll keep looking but better that we should just start to find you another job, I trust that you'll get the next one!'   7:26am

Feeling groggy, I walk to my bathroom splashing water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror, feeling under my eyes "How do you do it?" I ask my reflection.


I pick up my phone, "Hello?" I say, "Hi Mr. MacTavish, it's Price with Morgan and Co. how are you this morning?" He asks. "I'm uh.. Pretty good I guess" I respond, I put my phone on speaker, opening the email. "That's good, I'm calling to let you know that-" On boarding meeting at 11am, MANDATORY all models attend, 30 minutes prior to meeting start.

"Yeah, I'm actually on my way right now, traffic is a little hectic but I'm almost there" I tell him. I rush out of my bathroom to my room, "Great, at Morgan and Co. we don't take tardiness lightly, please be sure arrive on time" Price tells me. He ends the call, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

Ghost POV

I walk into the building, I adjust the cuffs on my shirt, today I deiced to wear something more business casual. I walk over to the reception desk, only to see Price waiting angrily, Fuck. I stop, turning around, walking the other direction. "MR. RILEY!" Someone yells at me, Cover already blown, I turn around looking where Price was.

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