Chapter 6: Change Of Plans

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Soap POV

The next day, the weather isn't as great , gloomy skies, thunder, smells of rain. Small things compared to the stress of the first shoot tomorrow. Usually in the industry, you don't know what you're doing until the moment you show up on set. Luckily for me, I have the lead photographer that's going to help run me through everything before it happens.

He's asked me to come over to his house, for the reasons of 'More resources' and 'I'm not bringing my camera out to get rained on'. All of which makes sense, Ghost's house is much more different than mine. One reason being that his house, is actually a house, not just an apartment. His house is a shade of dark grey, modern look to it, big yard along with it's own gate.

In preparation for the rain, I've brought my umbrella, the umbrella that Ghost actually left at my house a while ago. He keeps forgetting to take it with him, and tells me "I'll get it next time". Now that I'm thinking about it he's just using it as an excuse to come back, sending texts like 'Looks like it's gonna rain, can come I get my umbrella?'.

Yet when he arrives, there's no talk of rain or umbrellas, just rough kisses, heavy breaths, and- "JESUS FUCK" I yell out. I grip the umbrella in my hand, This is work, stay professional, do not fuck your boss while at work... Again. I stop in front of his gate, tapping my foot angrily, Fuck he looked so good in a suit.

I reach over to the keypad, entering the code, walking in. I walk to his door, reaching for the doorknob, stopping myself. I'm here for work, I don't think that his subordinate should just walks in. I knock on the door, Maybe I should've waited at the gate, the door opens. Ghost stands, soaking wet, with a towel around his waist.

"Jesus.." I whisper to myself, looking him up and down "You're early" he tells me. "I.. Uh" I lose track of thought, seeing his member create a bulge through the towel. He grabs my shoulder, pulling me inside, he closes the door behind us. His eyes shift down to me "I already have some stuff set up in my office, make your way over there and I'll be there in a minute."

I stay quiet keeping my eyes on him, looking at his slicked back hair, and water sliding his body. He smirks, leaning to my ear "Stay professional, Johnny" he whispers. "You're making it hard to" I whisper back, he grabs my chin "Don't worry, we'll fix that" he says. He lets go, walking away, "Go to the office" he tells me.

I watch him leave, Jesus fuck, I walk through his house to the office. The door is peeked open slightly, I've never been in this room before, I enter. Immediately I see his camera on the tripod facing his desk, I walk over, looking around. It's organized, minus the papers and small notes with what looks like scribbles I can't make out on it.

I tilt my head, turning one of the notes, it's a drawing of someone. They're sitting at a table facing away, wearing shorts, t-shirt, along with what looks like a mohawk. I pick up the paper, looking at it closer, That's me. "You almost seem used to dimly lit rooms" Ghost says, I turn to see him entering the room.

He turns on the light, walking over to his camera, I quickly put the drawing in my jacket pocket. "Why you say that?" I ask, walking over "Maybe you're used to dim lighting, being that it's the only light setting I use when you're here" he says. He walks over, grabbing the umbrella from me, I look him over. He's changed his clothes, wearing dark shorts, with a t-shirt.

He unzips my jacket, taking it off of me "Playing all the roles for this?" I ask. He chuckles, "Just a few, don't need much for right now" he says. He walks away placing my jacket on a hook near the door. "So what's the theme?" I ask, "Office apparel, and I'm going to walk you through it" he says. He moves the camera over to the side, "Sit" he orders me, I do what I'm told.

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