Chapter 9: In Plain Sight

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Soap POV

"It also didn't make sense, how do you substitute onions with a fucking potato? You might find them next to each other growing in the ground, but a substation? What kind of-"  Sam has been going on this rant for almost thirty minutes, a rant, about nothing. He's just talking at this point, and changes topic every time he thinks of something new. I don't have an issue with this, more of the fact that this was meant to be a work meeting.

"Speaking of the cold-" I hang my head, rubbing between my eyes. I can't let this go on, "Sam" I call out, he looks to me. "Why am I here?" I ask, he sighs, sitting back in his chair. "Right, your contract" he picks up his phone "Abigail, bring me the file I had you print earlier" he hangs up. So he rewrote my contract, "Didn't I sign the renewal two months ago?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, but it's just a few minor changes" he says, I slowly nod. Ok then, The door opens and Abby enters with a file in hand, "The coffee machine is broke, so I called someone to fix it just so you-" She stops. She looks over and see's me, "Oh.. Hey John" She says with a confused tone and smile. Her eyes shift between me and Sam, "What are you.. Doing here?"

Thinking back to the last time we went out together, it sounded that she was heavily trying to convince Sam to fire me. That doesn't take away from the fact that Sam was convinced to do it. "I work here? Why else would I be here?" I question, "And hopefully once you sign your new contract, you'll show up more" Sam says, grabbing the file.

Abby's eyes widen "OH! Wow, y'know that reminds me, I have to talk to you" Abby says. She places her hand on his shoulder, "Can this wait?" Sam asks. "No, this is PERFECT time" she grabs his shirt, dragging him up from his chair, out of the room. I watch them leave, Talk about discreet, I reach over for the file.

Surely he wouldn't mind if I look it over first, The first few pages were normal. Not far off from my current contract, except two new pages. One discussing pay and another page titled 'Non-Complete agreement' I furrow my brow at the words. Planning for the future I see, I hear the door open again, Abby and Sam stumble in "YOU CAN'T KEEP HIM-" she looks to me. She lets go of Sam, putting a smile back on her face.

Sam walks back to his seat, "Sorry about that, see that you're already looking through your contract" he says. I nod, looking back to the paper "Uh yeah, just looking it over, what's with this Non-complete agreement? That's new" I say.  "Yeah, just a thing saying that you won't go start working for another agency during your employment here" he says.

I look up from the file, "Is that necessary?" I ask. "John, once they ship those pictures off, you're gonna be beating off agencies trying to scout you with a stick" Sam explains. I nod, "You think I'm gonna leave once I get the chance to?" I ask, Which doesn't sound bad. "I know you're not, but just in case" he says.

"Ok then, also the page about new pay? I already get paid" I say. "Yes, but you get paid for every shoot you complete" he leans over his desk, "This is hourly, Johnny" he says. I take a sigh, "Oh.. Ok" I say, he slides a pen across the desk. I stand, taking the pen "Thank you, I'm gonna look this over again when I'm home" I say, I put the pen back in it's cup.

"You aren't gonna sign it now?" He asks confused, "I haven't really read it, and these are some important changes" I say. I put the file under my arm, "I'll get back with you on it" I say, I turn away. I snap, turning back, "Forgot to say, then next shoot is tomorrow, something with a restaurant I think? I don't know, I skimmed the email, I'll let you know" I say exiting.

I walk past Abby who's at her desk, with an unpleasant look on her face. It's clear she's not happy with this outcome, nothing I can do unfortunately. I exit the building, looking to my phone, on the top of my notifications; 'Morgan & Co. IMPORTANT' an email. I turn back, looking up the side of the building.

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