Chapter 11: Cream, No Sugar

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Soap POV

"Black, cream, no sugar" I say to the worker, she types into her kiosk. I take out my card, inserting it into the machine, "Haven't seen you in a minute" she says. I chuckle, looking up to her, "Got a new job opportunity" I say. I watch as she leans over the counter, "Is there another shop I should be worried about? Taking my loyal customers from me" she jokes.

"If I'm so loyal, give me a bear claw and I won't replace you with a home coffee machine" I offer. She scoffs, taking one from the display, into a bag for me. "You'd only be hurting yourself, leading you where?" She asks, sliding the bag over. "Right back to you" I chuckle, another worker walks over sliding the cup to me.

"Black, cream, no sugar" she says writing something down on the cup, before handing it to me. "Good luck on the job, tell me when you make it so I can get the shop to sponsor you" She says. I furrow my brow, "Can you do that?" I ask confused. "Probably not, but you're asking a lot of questions, get out of here before you get me sued" she says, waving me off.

"See you in court" I wave, leaving the shop. Yesterday wasn't a good day, it started how each day starts, but everything took such a sudden turn. After these kinds of days, I try to go back on schedule, as if things were normal. One of those things, is getting coffee in the morning. Kris, the cashier, and I have been friends since I don't remember how long.

We don't talk often, but when we do, it's to catch up. It's comforting having at least once person in my life be consistent. It makes me think, about Abby, Sam, even Ghost. Well... Simon, I know Abby and Sam's intention's, yet I cling onto them. Why? Because, if I didn't have them, it would feel like I had no one at all.

I get into my car, looking at my phone, 'Ghost' the screen reads. I'm reminded of our short conversation, 'I'll call you later' never a statement you would want to hear. I set down my coffee, calling him, slightly nervous. I just need to relax, get everything off my mind, I'm sure he'd be able to help. He usually is.

"John?" he says, I adjust myself in the seat. "You busy?" I ask, a moment passes, "A little, why?" he questions. I lean my head back, "I was thinking about you" I tell him. I hear a soft chuckle, followed by a sound of creaking chair. "That right?" he says, "Maybe I can stop imagining it, if you come over" I say. "What's a good time for me to help solve your problem?" he asks.

"Later tonight?" I suggest, he chuckles "I'll be there, there's things I want to talk to you about too" he says. I sit up, trying to think of what he could mean. "I.. Uh.. What do you-" he cuts me off, "See you soon.. Johnny" The phone hangs up. I throw my phone in the cup holder, grabbing hold of the wheel.

"Ok.. It's probably nothing, couldn't be anything that bad" I say to myself. My thumb starts to tap the wheel, "Most likely nothing."

Ghost POV

I walk into the gate, seated outside, is two residents of John's apartments. They look at me, I give them a nod as I walk past, "Hey" One of them calls out to me. Shit, I turn back, they wave me over. I walk closer, "Yes?" I question, "We keep seeing you here, do you live here?" The woman asks. She looks to be older type, early to mid forty's.

"No, just visiting a friend, and they're waiting for me, so I'm gonna go" I say. I turn, walking away, Never seen them before. I walk to John's door, knocking on it, a loud thud sounds, along with steps. The door quickly opens, John stands, soaked, holding a towel around his waist. "I-" My voice trails off as I look him up and down, "I.. Fuck" I say under my breath.

He grabs my wrist, pulling me inside, pushing me back on the door. "Jesus chr-" He pulls me in, kissing my cheeks through my mask. Guess we're still avoiding kissing, He starts to dig his hands up into my shirt. Our faces just as close, his breath heavy on mine. "You're.. Really fucking wet" I say, he leans his chest on mine, water beads begin roll down his shoulders.

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