Chapter 8: Small Reward

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Soap POV

I sit at my table, resting my head on my arm. I draw circles on the material with my finger, letting out a quick sigh. Yesterday ended easily, I went out with Gaz and Jayla, and they are.. Heavy drinkers. It was difficult to try not to, so I did what any person would do to impress their new friends, I indulged.

Safe to say that I don't remember what happened last night, all I know is that I woke up at home. Door locked, shoe's off, tucked in bed. It was obvious someone helped me home, but I'm not sure who. I could ask Gaz or Jayla, but I have no way to contact either of them. So for now, I can sit, and wait till Ghost arrives.

I adjust myself in my seat, all I could think about today was his words. 'I'll come over tomorrow' I can't help but grow impatient with words like that circling my head. When I see him at work, I don't get to be close. Him being the photographer, he could get as close to me as he wanted. Unfortunately, being the model, I have to sit still while he looks at me through his lens.

Quiet, every word and emotion being said through our eyes. Wanting nothing more than to be handled like his camera. His finger held over the button, pressing down on it, yet not taking the picture. Teasing, showing that he's in control, and the picture will be taken when he wants it.


I quickly turn my attention to the door, No need to daydream when I have the real thing. I get up, walking over, opening it. I reach for his shirt pulling him in, "You keep making me wait, you fucking-" I look to his face. I quickly let go of his shirt, "Uh hi" I sound. "The hell do I make you wait for?" Sam asks, a confused look on his face.

I furrow my brow, peeking my head out the door before closing it. I turn back to Sam, "I.. Uh, what are you doing here?" I ask. He walks in, starting to take off his jacket "I'm here to talk about your next shoot, I mean I'm all for winging it, but I can't risk you messing this up for us" Sam says. He sit's on the couch, spreading his arms out, "Uhh.." I sound. I look between the door and him.

"This a bad time?" he asks, He doesn't know about Ghost, if anything he'd probably be overjoyed that I'm fucking the lead photographer of Morgan and Co. "Not at all" I say. It's already 10, don't think Ghost is coming today, I sit in a chair cross from him. "Great, during your shoot yesterday, I discovered somethings when I was looking around."

I hang my head, groaning "I know what you're thinking, Sam you're not supposed to do that, I KNOW-  BUT LISTEN!" he says. He leans forward, "I found the file room, head office, locked behind a door type shit" he tells. "What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Because, I talked to the person who works very closely with your photographer, and you won't believe what I heard" he says.

I raise my eyebrow in curiosity, "What'd you hear?" I ask. He smirks my direction, "Now you're interested" he says. "If you're not gonna tell me, get out" I say, he lets out a hearty laugh. "I talked to them, and found out who they're going to front page" he makes a noise, pointing towards me. My eyes widen, "Me?" I question, "You're group, but yes, you" he says.

"That's.. Fucking amazing" I say, The only thing I've been on the front of is my ID. Sam stands, walking over to me "This is fucking incredible for us, one of my models being a front runner for a Morgan and Co. magazine? That's gonna cause a surge of popularity for the company" he says. He grabs my shoulders, "And all you have to do is shake your ass in front of the camera a few times, and we're in" he says.

 I remove his hands from me, "Shake my ass?" I say, slightly annoyed by his wording. He chuckles, "Didn't you see? Tha-"


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