Chapter 15: Moving On

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Soap POV

Today, would be marked as a week since I, publicly, quit my agency. The past few days, I've gotten more email's requesting to sponsor me, than stars in the sky. I've only reviewed a few, while most of them include flattering offers, that's something they would have to bring up with my manager.

"Get him something to drink, the hell are you just standing there for?" Gaz says to one of his employee's. They scurry out of the room, Gaz makes himself comfortable in the seat next to me. Sadly to say, Gaz isn't my manager, but he gave me a hell of a reference for the agency he pretty much owns.

I watch as he kicks his feet up on the desk, "I think you've got this, better chances that you worked next to me during the Morgan and Co. stuff" he tell me. "I'd hope, I've never really applied for an agency before" I admit. He crosses his arms, "You don't have to worry about that, if they don't hire you, I'll just do it myself, scouts honor" he says.

I chuckle, "Scouts honor? To the man who betrayed me during the interview shoot?" I say. He turns my way, "John if this relationship is going to work, you gotta let that go, it's in the past" he tells me. "That was three weeks ago" I counter, "And I apologized" Gaz says. I furrow my brow as I smile "I'm pretty sure you said, 'Tough shit, you're here aren't you?'" I laugh.

He chuckles "Just because it sounds like something I'd say, doesn't mean I said it" he tells me. The door opens, I turn back seeing a man walk in along with a woman. "Jayla?" Gaz says, confused. Jayla walks up to me, handing me a water. "Hey" she greets, "What are you doing here?" I ask, taking the water from her.

"Glad you asked, if one of you could stand, since I only have two chairs" the man mentions. Gaz and I look between each other, his eyes motion for me to stand. I roll my eyes, looking between him and Jayla, raising my eyebrows. His face turns into a agreeing one, slowly nodding his head. "Today gentlemen" the man says.

Jayla leans on my shoulder, "I'll just stand, these two are going to be here for hours if we let them decide for themselves" she says. Gaz shoots me a dirty look over the fact Jayla leaned on me instead of him, I hit his arm. "OW" he yells out, "Sorry, thought I saw a bug" I say, a smile on my face.

"Anyway, Kyle has told me that both of you are looking to be sponsored, and you've chosen to work with HeavyWire, correct?" he asks. I look to Jayla, she shrugs "This company seems fun, might as well plant my feet somewhere" she says. "And John?" he questions, I turn to him. "Uh yeah, I have to say things didn't end well with my last agency" I admit.

He opens a file cabinet behind his desk, pulling out two manila folders. "I'm aware, we've been getting emails threatening to sue if we were to sign you, saying that you were under a Non-Complete agreement" he informs. I sigh, "Yeah, I didn't sign anything with that in it" I say, he hands out the folders.

"Oh we're aware, when Gaz brought up your name, I had legal look into you. And I have to say, that company is not happy about anything concerning you" he says. I take the folder, opening it, seeing in bolded letters. HeavyWire Modeling, Employment contract, They're serious about this. "We're hired?" I question, looking up to him.

"Not yet, we're going to give you time to look it over, along with our in house legal team to help if you have any questions" he says. I feel over the paper with my thumb, making sure that I wasn't just daydreaming this opportunity. "So?" he says, his looks shifting between me and Jayla. "We'll see" she says, holding the folder under her arm.

I have to start having that kind of attitude, I close the folder, setting it in my lap. "Good, that's what I like to hear, we're going to get this going possibly.. Tuesday? We're going to see" he says. He stands, offering his hands out to me, I stand shaking it, he then shakes Jayla's. Gaz walks over to Jayla putting his arm over her shoulders.

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