Epilogue + Authors Note

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Soap POV

"Ok ok, next one next one" Gaz says, starting to slur his words. Jayla groans, lifting her head from the table "If this has to do with the year 2000, crime, or the fucking Eye of Sauron from the Lord Of The Rings, I'm throwing this plate at you" she threatens. A waitress comes over with a tray of shots, "Here you guys go" she says, placing them.

"Thank you" I tell her grabbing a glass, "Who's doing a shot with me?" I ask. Gaz grabs a glass, "I will, and Jay, for your information, it wasn't about any of those" he defends. "Mhm sure" she says, suspicious. We've been at this bar for the past couple hours, celebrating. Celebrating what you ask? Well, all of us got accepted into Morgan & Co. as models.

So what do you do before you start your career of looking good on camera? Go to a bar, and get wasted. I down my shot, the glass bottom loudly hitting the table. "MMm" Gaz sounds, finishing his shot slowly. "Do you guys think we should work together?" Gaz asks. "Yeah but you know what Price said, we could either continue working under the 'Morgan & Co. umbrella' or we could do our own thing" I remind him.

"It seems more fun if we were to continue working together" I say. Jayla hums, "Maybe" she says. Gaz looks offended by her answer, "Maybe? You're gonna leave me?" he questions. Jayla reaches over for Gaz's water that he has yet to touch, drinking it. "Not you specifically, we can do more shoots, as many as my management lets me" Jayla says.

Gaz lets out a frustrated grunt, "Those motherfuckers, John.. John we can't have them keep her away from us, we gotta.. We gotta call them, send an email or some shit" Gaz says. Jayla chuckles at his wording, maybe because we're soon to going to be in the same agency. I think it'll be fun to see how long it takes him to notice.

"You know what we need once we start working?" Gaz mentions, taking his water back. "What" I ask, "We need a show" he says. Jayla and I look between each other, confused. "A.. Show?" I question, "Yeah, you don't do shit, what would the show even be about?" Jayla adds in. I let out a hearty laugh, clapping my hands together.

"Welcome back to my room, today we're gonna be sitting in silence watching the latest season of the crown" I joke. Jayla joins in, laughing along with me. "Today we're gonna organize my socks, let's get into it" She says, hitting my arm. Gaz sits across the table, his expression not fond of our jokes, but honestly we didn't care.

"The Kardashian's don't do shit, and look what they got" Gaz says. "Uh, no, the only reason they got a show is BECAUSE they have money. If I wanted to watch your rendition of trailer park boys, I'd let you know" Jayla jokes. I lean my head back, my stomach starting to hurt from laughing so much.

I start to cough, Jayla hitting my back "Breathe John, BREATHE, you can't die before we get a feature on Kyle's new show 'Give me $20' " she jokes. I start laughing again, tears coming out of my eyes. "That 9 o'clock time spot, is gonna be pissed" I add in, struggling to breathe.

And that's how our night went. Filled with alcohol, laughter, and excitement from new opportunities. It was getting close to that time of night, where I would eventually have to go home. I couldn't tell you time, mostly because I'd lost my phone earlier. I don't remember if I attempted to look for it, but I could find it when I'm sober.

Me, Jayla, and Gaz exit the bar, waving goodbye to the staff. They wore smiles, but something told me that they were just happy they didn't need to serve three loud drunks. Jayla leans on Gaz, while he holds her purse. "This hangover is gonna be fucking horrid" she laughs, snorting. Gaz laughs with her, trying to keep his voice down outside.

"HA, shut the fuck up, they're gonna get us if you keep being so loud" Gaz says, stifled laughter behind his words. Jayla leans forward, struggling to keep herself up, laughing. I reach my arms up, stretching my back. "Should I get us a ride?" Gaz asks, Jayla looks around. "No I got a car" she tell him. Gaz looks at her confused "You're not planning on driving, are you?"

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