Chapter 14: Growth

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Soap POV

I tap my steering wheel with my thumb, looking at the building. I've been sitting in the parking for 5 minutes, my contract sat in my lap. The last couple days, it's been sat in my apartment, taunting me each time I pass it. If Sam was expecting an answer, I'll give him one. An answer that I'll promptly wait in my car until I'm ready to give.


I grab my phone from the cupholder, Simon, I answer. "Hey" I say, "Johnny, where are you?" he asks. "In my car.. Running an errand.. Hopefully" I nervously answer. "You driving?" He asks, "Not at the moment" I respond. "Good, I understand how distracting I am to you, so I wouldn't want you driving and talking to me."

I scoff, "So when you get the chance to drive me around, will it be the same for you?" I ask. "Hm.. Good point, I'm gonna have to ignore you" he says. I let out a hearty laugh, "Sounds like torcher" I tell him. "Only on my part it sounds, am I gonna be able to see you tomorrow?" he asks. I smile to myself, "If nothing important comes up, yeah."

"I look forward to it, I'll let you do your errand" he tells me. "Right, bye" I lower my phone, "And Johnny?" he says. I lift the phone back to my ear, "Yeah?" I say, a moment goes by. "Simon?" I call out, "I love you Johnny" My face flushes. "OK, the lights green, BYE" I hang up, dropping my phone in my lap.

I lean back in my seat, rubbing my face, "Fuck" I say to myself. Simon has been sending messages, calling, and all in all just telling me that he feels this way. I already admitted to him that I felt the same, I don't admire these random attacks on my heart he does. But I can't say that I don't like the reassurance.

I chuckle to myself, Never thought I'd see myself blushing over someone. I put my phone in my pocket, taking the folder with me as I exit the car. I won't let him know that though, maybe. I walk towards the building, the lobby looks busier than usual. I enter looking around, people are sitting in the waiting area, filling out forms.

Are they... Applying? I furrow my brow, I walk through. I feel a hand tap my back, I turn around, a woman stands holding a clipboard. "Yeah?" I say, "Sorry to bother, but are you S. MacTavish?" she asks. S? "MacTavish, yeah" I answer, a relieved smile sets on her face. "Could I.. Get your autograph?" she asks.

I look down at her confused, "My autograph?" I repeat, confused. "I know you're probably working right now, but it'd mean the world to me if you did" She tells me. I blink blankly, "Uh, sure" I say, I offer my hand for something to sign. She pats down her pockets searching for something. In that time, I notice people around me looking my direction.

Strange, "Sorry I don't have anything for you to sign so could you, sign my hand maybe?" she asks. She puts her hand in mine, "Uh, ok" I say, she hands me her pen. D-r-u-g-s S-u-c- I'm quickly pulled back, leaving an long mark on the girls hand. "Shit, sorry about that" I apologize, "He's busy currently, he'll be able to sign your.. Hand? Later" the woman says.

I turn to see Abby pulling me through the Lobby, "Abby? What's going on?" I ask. She leads me through to the main hall, it's quieter than the rest of the building. "Glad you came in today, can I get you anything?" she asks. "Uh, no" I say, "Ok then, what's on the agenda today?" she asks. Her sudden niceness fills me with suspicion.

"Just have to give my contract to Sam" I say, holding up my folder. Her eyes light up as she takes it from me, she opens it, and I quickly take it back. "What? You don't trust me?" she asks, "I'm sure you've seen it, nothings changed about it" I say, Literally. She rolls her eyes, "Yeah yeah, but Sam's in a meeting right now" Abby tells me.

We walk up to his door, "I'm sure he can spare me a few seconds to drop it off" I tell her. I open Sam's door, both him and a the man he's having a meeting with turns my direction. "Hey Sam, I-" He stands, opening his arms, "Johnny!" he yells out, a smile across his face. He turns to the person he's having a meeting with, "Sorry, give me two minutes" he says.

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