Chapter 4: Forgetful Conversations

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Soap POV

Today has been pretty weird, Ghost.. Well Simon being at my job, might be a bit strange to me, but nothing I can't adapt to. Just keep it professional, "JOHN!" Abby yells out. I walk over, "I'm five feet away, why are you yelling at me?" I ask, she hits my back walking with me. "You looked like you were zoning out, nothing like someone screaming your name to wake you up" she says.

I nod, we walk towards a restaurant, the sign on it lights up the street almost. Along with it's fairy lights, that hang around the outside seating area. A restaurant that we'd had gone to since we all graduated college, well, some of us. In between the constant footsteps, clinking glasses, and drunk singing, Sam sit's by himself waiting for us.

We sit at his table, "Sam actually here on time? Must be a day that ends with X.. Get it? Cause no day ends with x cause you're never on time? Sam do you get my jo-" He interrupts Abby with a loud groan. "I fucking get it, can we start drinking?" he says annoyed. I let out a laugh, "What's up your ass? If not Abby" I say.

He hits the table, looking around, "Shhhhhut the fuck up about that" he says cautiously. Abby starts to look around too, "There a wasp or something? What the hell are you doing?" I ask. "My wife's been following me" Sam tells us, Abby starts to laugh, quickly stopping herself, lowering her head. I cover my mouth, also stopping myself from laughing, "IT'S NOT FUNNY" Sam yells at us.

"I'm not laughing, it's the phlegm, I got a bad cough" I tell him, hitting my chest. "She's literarily shaking laughing right now" he points out, Abby has her hands together, resting her head down. "She's praying" I say, "Praying?" Sam says, not believing me. "Dear farther in heaven.." Abby says, her voice shaky from laughter.

"She has never prayed a day in her life" Sam says, waving over a waitress. "That's not true, what's that shit they say in the churches?" Abby asks, snapping in my direction. "Donate or be forever damned?" I say, "Yes, No, well.. Motherfucker, come as you are, and I walked into that church wanting to be a changed woman."

A waitress comes over, dropping off menus, "Welcome back, I assume you guys want your usual drinks?" she asks. "Not today, bring us a round of shots, along with beers" Sam orders, "And the cheese fries" Abby chimes in. "Yeah, you want anything John?" Sam asks, "You guys got the loaded fries with that one shit?" I ask, trying to jog my memory.

"The Cowboy?" she says, "Yeah that" I say, "That was a just a special while football season was going on, but since you're here a lot I can see if they can whip something up in the kitchen" she says, writing in her notepad. She walks away, I look to see Abby and Sam looking my direction smiling "What?" I question.

 Abby shrugs her shoulders, motioning her eyes over to the waitress, I look over. She's talking to one of her coworkers, while sneaking glances at me. I turn back "Stop" I tell her, "We didn't say anything" Sam says, motioning his eyes over to her also. "I'm not doing that" I say, Sam leans back in his chair, groaning.

"When are you gonna get laid?" Abby asks, the waitress comes back over with our drinks. "Here you guys go, your food will be ready shortly" she says, I take my beer, "Than-" I look up to her and she winks at me. "Thank you ma'am" I say plainly, drinking my beer, she leaves. "John, when was the last time you got laid?" Sam asks.

Last night, early this morning "I don't see how this relates to me getting the job" I say. Abby looks shocked, "You got the job? Well fuck, you should have told us, let's celebrate that instead" she tells me, raising her shot glass to us. "Sure, I'm gonna head to the restroom, then we can start" I lightly chuckle, we clink our glasses, downing them.

I get up from my seat, going to the restrooms, I enter looking around. Empty, I walk to the sink, spitting out the shot. I grip the sink, I can't keep doing this, I stand up straight, taking a breath. "Ok" I walk back out of the bathroom, immediately running into the waitress, the drink she was carrying spills on both of us.

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