Chapter 7: Right Where We Are

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Soap POV


I lay, sprawled out on my bed, letting my phone ring. I watch the roof, thinking to myself, about the days where I wasn't a model. Days back in college, where I would sit in my dorm, drawing things I saw out of my window. Simpler times, before I knew what I knew now, before I found out people can be shit, before Sam changed his major to to business, and got me into this.

I close my eyes, trying to ignore the ringing, maybe if I tone out the sound, I won't have to get up. The ringing ends, "Finally.." I whisper to myself, turning over into my bed. My face sinks into the bedding, the comforting warmth of my bed...


Maybe I choose the wrong profession if I wanted to be left alone, I grab my phone. Keeping my face buried, answering it "Hello?" I sluggishly sound. "John, Johnny, buddy! I'm here, come on out" Sam says into the receiver. "Why are you outside of my house-" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck, down into my shirt.

"John, it's the day of your first photoshoot? Don't tell me you're gonna miss it" he says. His energetic voice gives me a headache, "No... I'm getting up.. Give me a minute" I sit up. "Perfect, when you get down I got questions, hurry up" he hangs up the phone. I rub between my eyes, Why the hell am I even pretending like I didn't hear what Abby and him said at the bar?

Me taking him on set is just denying the inventible, I walk outside to the parking lot to see Sam leaned on his car. I walk over seeing a coffee in his hand, "You got one of those for me?" I ask, pointing to it. He lets out a hearty laugh getting in, "You haven't shown up to work in week, ask me again when you make me money" he says.

I get in the passenger seat, "I don't know" I tell him. He starts to drive, "Don't know what?" he asks. I don't know if I'm gonna be around anymore, "I don't know if I'm be a model for much longer" I say. A moment goes by, "Why? You just got this great gig with Morgan and Co. A fourth of a page, with nothing but your face, could jumpstart your career tenfold" he tells me.

"I bet it could, Sam" I tell him "Listen, stay with them for now, and lets turn you into a real model" he says. I watch the smile on his face, A real model? I lean my head back on the seat, Am I real to you? After a while we arrive at Morgan and Co., I get out walking towards the building, "The fuck.." Sam says.

He gets out looking around, "Are you sure we're in the right place?" he asks, catching up to me. "If not, then I'm not sure who I gave my information to" I say, "If Abby got you trafficked, I have to remind you that I'm not liable" he tells me. I open the door, How in the world do you still have a functional business saying shit like that? "Noted" I say.

As I enter, Price is waiting by the receptionist desk, he looks to me, walking over. I hear a loud scuffle behind me, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Sam yells. I turn around to see Sam being man handled by two security guards, I rush over "NO NO, he's my manager, he's with me" I tell them. They let go of him, he stumbles, catching himself.

"What kind of crazy do you have to be, to just jump on someone like that?" Sam furiously yells at them. I grab his shoulder, pulling him towards me, "If your plan was to get kicked out in five seconds, you're doing great". I let go of him, "Sorry for my manager, keep up the good work guys" I drag Sam's arm, walking him away.

Not a great start, Price walks over, "MacTavish" he nods to me. "Morning Price" I greet, he shifts his eyes to Sam, "My manager" I say. Sam offers his hand out to him, he grabs it, "Do you need a visitors pass sir?" he asks. "Yeah I do" Price turns walking us over to the receptionist desk, Sam looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.

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