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I was sitting beside him, I am the greatest foolish person in this world.

What was I even expecting from him that he would fulfil my wish?

But is he going to kill me? I don't want to die, not this soon.

Please god help me, I want to live a happy life, please god do something after what I have suffered, I want a life ,lovable life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the car stopped in front of the huge building.

Alexandr stepped out of the car unbothered by my presence. The previous guard opened my door and we walked through various corridors.

Soon a lady came into view and greeted me, She showed me my room and told me that there were various clothes present in the closet.

My eyes lit up seeing this many dresses I had never seen in my whole life because I always used to wear my elder sister's used ones.

I took a black colour lucknawi kurti with black pants and entered the restroom.

I think about every way of escaping while bath but honestly, a warm bath is the key to every problem.

At least I felt a little relaxed. I wore my clothes, adjusted my bindi between my brows and stepped out of the bathroom.

My breath hitched as if I had seen a dinosaur or something. Alexandr was sitting on the couch, shirtless only in pants, sitting like a king, legs wide open but he was no less than a monster.

He was busy on a call and maybe he didn't notice me. I decided to exit the room maybe that lady was mistaken.

I took slow steps towards the door I flinched when I heard him yelling ' I want that fucking land at any cosy, got that '.

But I still walked to save myself from this devil but halted with heavy breath when he spoke in his sinister tone

" come here, bubblegum"

I didn't turn around and again he ordered me more like roaring.

"Didn't you hear me bubblegum, I said come here, right now "

I turned around and took slow steps in his direction. I stood in front of him maintaining a good distance

"come closer " I obeyed him and there were only two steps distance between us.

"kneel" he spoke making me raise my head and look into his eyes.

"I said fucking kneel " he screamed throwing a vase on the floor.

I got scared and immediately kneeled in front of him helplessly.

He leaned closer to my face making me look down at my lap and spoke

"is your feisty self gone, my sweet bubblegum"

He stops for some seconds and continues

"you know bubblegum, someone called me cheapster "

He spoke in a monotonous dangerous tone I looked up and apologize

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