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"Undress" He growled.

Samyuktha was weeping immensely while shaking his head, she came forward to held his hands in hers and pleaded
"Alex.. Alex..xandr, Nishkarsh is out there, let me go, he might die"

His bloodshot eyes grew more red, his body was radiating heat, heat which could burn people into ashes.He griped her neck  tightly in a choking manner, he gritted his teeth"I said fucking undress, samyuktha"

With trembling hands she slid her tshirt and lower down totally removing it, leaving herself in black lacy, Tears trailed down her eyes wetting his wrist, she begged with her eyes"pleaseeee"

Thats it, the last ounch of patients and tolerance remaining in him. Was lost, lost in a way that he was unable to comprehend anything except to teach her who does she belongs to.

He yanked her furthur in towards the gym equipment resting in the corner. He Removed the barbell from the power rack throwing it aside. He brought battle wropes and started tying her hands together.

Samyuktha resisted which resulted into tying him exceedingly tight around her wrist. Her soft wrist skin started turning red,ropes were bruising her skin badly.

She cried and attempted to stop him but he was no where near to calm himself down, he pulled her with the help of ropes and tied her hands on the upper rod of power rack.

For her he was not the Alexandr who cared for her, he was not that Alexandr who would have gone nuts to save her, he was not that Alexandr who had let himself down for her, he was nothing but a monster for her.

The monster she had witness in the start, for her there was no difference between that man who molested her yesterday and him.

He held her chin in his brutal grip tilting her face upwards he snarled "you.can't.fucking.kneel.for.

He left her chin with a jerk and pressed his lips on hers, he wasn't sucking her lips and no where near the nibbling, he was biting her lips brutally making it bleed in mere seconds. His teeth pierced through her skin, she left out a scream, scream of pain, scream of shattering into pieces which got suppressed in his mouth.

Her hands were tied with the rough ropes and she was helpless, she couldn't do anything but to bear every ounch of pain he was giving.

After what felt like an eternity he left her lips and attacked on her neck, biting it brutally likewise. Her lips were swollen and blood was traling down untill her chin.

She let out a hard scream when he bite her flesh of collarbone and the intensity of his bite was equal to ripping the skin off the flesh.

He tried to unhook her bra but he end up tearing it apart making her jump in her position which resulted into stretching her hands.

He took her right tit in between his teeth, he sucked her tits effortlessly and squeeze the other one. The calmness and softness he was holding from days for her was converted into fury. The anger which had caused him to feast on her.

He took her left tit in his mouth leaving the right one completely bruised, green and red marks were all over her skin from collarbone to her breast not a single inch of surface was remaining.

She cried louder and louder begging him to stop but he was deaf, deaf in his fury that he was not even able to conceive the outcomes that might brought destruction to his relationship.

Her hands, wrist, waist, neck, chin, cheeks, breast and even the earshells were injured and bruised severly. Her body was no longer have power to stand on it feet, her hands were paining and the ropes were making it even hard for her.

Her eyes puffed red because of continues weeping and there were alot of spots on her body which was bleeding.

"Please, Alexandr, leave me, let me go" She asserted in her trembling exhausted voice.

He jerked his hand upto her level, boring his devilish gaze into her soul, he pinched her tits ruthlessly making her stretch his toes upwards due to the unbearable suffering.

"So that you can save that dickhead" He whispered yelled and pinched her nipple harder.

She shut her eyes closed squeezing it, tears ran down her eyes immensely. He tore her panties and pinched her clitoris mercilessly.

She doesn't wanted this not a single bit, the thing which had made her heart restless was this what if he would force himself on her or what if he would again strive to rape her.

And this was day she had always feared, the person she had started to trust and believe was hurting him the way others do. Last night he prayed to God to send Alexandr to save her but who will save her from Alexandr itself. She closed her eyes and wished to end this soon.

She opened her eyes and found Alexandr removing his cloths, not able to witness the scenerio disclosing in front of her she shut her lashes again.

He tapped his dick on her clit and without any prior release he thrusted inside her in one go, not even concerning about her first time, yes she is virgin and he was aware of that but he was so blind in his anger that someone's pain and scream was nothing but useless to him.

Blood trailed down her thighs wetting her skin and staining the floor, not even providing her time to ajdust with his huge size, he moved his hips back and forth thrusting deep inside her. With each thrust her hands stretched, core bleeding and skin bruising with his teeth. She took her lower lip in between her teeth to stop the screams but still it was coming due to the ferocious thrust.

He took her left leg and wrapped around his torso to go deeper inside her, he was thrusting at inhuman speed like a animal, his animalistic speed was the clear evidence of which kind of beast he was.

Skin slapping  and his groaning sounds echoed in the room, he spanked her butt again and again while thrusting deep within her.

His mind was clouded with the thoughts of Samyuktha being with Nishkarsh, the scenes of Nishkarsh kissing Samyuktha were flashing before his eyes and he picked up his pace more.

Her orgasm along with his cum were dangle down her thighs, his cum was dripping from her core. She was beyond exhausted but he was not at all on the edge of Finishing.

Instead he wrapped her other leg too around his waist and thrusted deeper and deeper. With each thrust her arms stretch at the extent it felt like pulling off. Blood drag down her arms from her wrist.

Her wrist was bleeding from the tight grip of battle ropes, her neck was bleeding, the skin above and below her tits were bleeding, her nipples swollen, lips tainted red due to dry blood and at last her legs as well was tainted red with blood.

Her head fell sidewards, she murmured under her breath"I'll never forgive you Xandr" And she lost her conscious.

He still was so blind in his rage that he didn't even noticed that she fainted while he was buried deep inside her. He still was thrusting deep, he took his dick all over out and slid it in all over again and repeated this process several times. Till now it was five times he climaxed inside her and was still not getting enough.

His eyes fell on her face void of any emotions or feeling not even pain, he tapped her cheeks but no response came making him panic, her legs slid down on its own and she hanged like a lifeless body. He took his dick out and started opening the ropes furiously.

But now does it even matter if he do her after care just like he did when she was in her periods, does it even matters if he will regret for his action because the deeds  were done and the hatred he had developed in her heart was Untamable

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