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She was running effortlessly through the eastern forest of Russia.

She was totally unaware of the routes she was taking, the only thing that went inside her brain was to get the hell out of this hell.

She was running through the tall trees, without glancing back as if she knew that he would come to chase her.

Besides Marina was still standing out of the restroom waiting for samyuktha, marina was getting worried and was about to get in but stopped when August appeared.

"where is she " he asked

"It's been 20 minutes, she is in "
Marina replied with a worried look.

August walked past her to check on her and the very second, he saw the emergency exit door was open.

He rushed through there and looked out but didn't find anything, he was having a glimpse of the situation that she ran away.

Panic and fear were visible on Marina's face what if Alexandr got to know about her wife running away?

"Don't speak a single word to Alexandr, till I get back " August warned her

She quickly nodded but retorted

"it would be dangerous for you to go alone "

He took his phone out of his pocket and ordered his man to accompany him to the eastern forest.

He ran through the forest in search of her, he was running through the forest with the hope that she didn't cross the eastern borders.

On the other hand, it became difficult for her to run in this long dress and heels. She took her heels out and threw them somewhere in the forest.

She continuously runs without stopping because she knows even for a single minute, if she going to stop she have to regret her whole life.

Her breath was uneven due to repeatedly running and because of that heavy dress.

She ran quietly for a while, she saw some guards standing at some distance.

She thought it might be Alexandr's guards who were guarding the forest so she thought to run in a different direction.

But before she could do that, one of the guards saw her, she ran faster and faster once again to save her life.

But before that, the guards got her and dragged her towards the straight direction .

She tried to get out of their grip but it was too hard for that little soul. For the first time, she regretted escaping the hell.

The guard was dressed in all black and was not leaving her and continuously dragging them towards a tall bulky man, who was probably the boss.

That guard was leaving bruises on her skin.

"Boss, she is the queen "the guard spoke.

His boss tsked and retorted.

"The queen of the Russian mafia, I was about to pay a visit to your husband "

He laughed like a maniac and spoke "Let's play with her "

Samyuktha was screaming for help and was crying her heart out listening to his words

The guard who was holding her freed her from his grip .samyuktha moved backwards out of fear.

But a few more guards came towards her with lustful eyes, one of them was about to touch her bare shoulder.

When a loud thud sound was heard.

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