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I don't know why I try
All you do is make me cry
Like a drug, you make me high
But as with any comedown, I die
Why can't I escape you.



Another morning with my not so good owner beside me gave me chills down my spine.

We never slept together it was our first time it would be a lie if I say that I was not shocked.

But after when he left me alone on bed to take a bath I used that time and roamed around the room.

I don't know how I came in this room but the only thing I remember was him carrying me in his arms.

Then the next moment I open my eyes and found myself here.

When I was roaming around and searching to wear something because my clothes are ruined because of previous night.

He gave me his t shirt to wear because there is no clothes for me. So I end up wearing his t-shirt and my panties beneath and not to forget that my bra is ruined too.

 So I end up wearing his t-shirt and my panties beneath and not to forget that my bra is ruined too

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But thanks to the thick material of his t shirt .I still wondered why he saved me risking his life.

Isn't I'm so called burdened to him and he brought me here as his sex slave. So why bother if I'm dead or not.

I snapped out of my trance when my gaze fell on the huge interior of the hall.

The design is marvellous , it gave me feeling of 1990's .Every single thing was arranged on it's proper place igniting it's royalty.

While decending the stairs I heard some clicking sounds of metal , I
Made my way in that direction and saw the misery of my life half naked making something in kitchen.

I stood at the doorway and gaze at his reflection. No matter how much I hate him but it cannot change the fact that he saved me and my heer.

His broad back was facing me I wonder how he flex his back so smoothly, he stopped in his action as if he was awair of my presence but he didn't turned around to face me.

"Alexandr" I spoke in a low tone barely audible

"yes bubblegum" he replied turning around fully, revealing his build up packs.

I looked at his abs and then his face I saw him clenching his jaw taking his lower lip in between of his teeth and ohh god I realized my mistake

"mas-ter I..i sorr" I was unable to complete my apology when he indicated me to come closer with his index finger.

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