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It shows quiet clearly,
I don't wear a veil,
Its why I'll end up dead,
Or locked upon a cell.


Every single thing seems like a dream, a dream that I will forever cherish undoubtedly and will never be unsated

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Every single thing seems like a dream, a dream that I will forever cherish undoubtedly and will never be unsated. The way Alexandr was treating me gave me hope for the future I had always feared to dream but his actions were inclining me to have such unrealistic hopes on him. A part of me always stays afraid of being heartbroken at the end. A part of me still wanted to be a hopeless romantic regardless of the circumstances.

We are sitting in an Indian restaurant, the ambience is classic and well-defined. Alexandr was sitting in front of me, darting his gaze in my direction and my eyes were on my hands above the table fidgeting with each other.

He forwarded the menu to me to place the order, I opened and analysed the main course, and every single Indian dish was present on the menu.
"began ka barta with chapatti coated in ghee, biryani and gulab jamun" I ordered to the waiter standing near our table.

I glanced towards Alexandr and asked"What would you like to eat"

"you" he exclaimed shamelessly with a cheeky smile.

My gaze fell upon the waiter acting fool and then at Alexandr. I ignored his cheesy comment professionally, maintaining my posture I spoke "Other than me"

Alexandr shook his head innocently and retorted" Only you"

I was blushing massively hard but I had to discharge this waiter and so I did.
"same for him, as well"

The waiter gave me a curt nod and left the premises disappearing into the kitchen. I sat there silently looking here and there but not having the courage to gaze into his eyes.

"umm.. Thank you" I gathered my all bravery and broke the silence.

His unwavering gaze was lingering on my skin erupting millions of butterflies in my stomach. "for what" he asked.

"For studies, for Austy, clothes, shelter, food, everything in short"
I spoke in one breath out of nervousness.

His gaze was boring into my soul. His posture was unmoved, not a single bit. His lips sealed, and not a single response came out of it. Did I unknowingly hurt him? with my words? My heart sank deeper and deeper. my chest tightened taking the grief inside of it.

"Such a dry thanks, I want a juicy one" he demanded leaning back on his chair and I stared at him confusingly not able to comprehend his words.

Such a dry thanks I want a juicy one.

I repeated his words in my head again and again till I got the real meaning behind his words. Few attendees came to set the table with food. The food looked heavenly appetizing.

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