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I stand all alone on a lost crowded street,
Surrounded by strangers and friends, I don't keep,
As some try to help lift me back on my feet,
I turn and I run so they can't see me weep.


My eyes widened when he held my chin and pressed his lips on mine

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My eyes widened when he held my chin and pressed his lips on mine.

He sucked my lips effortlessly, sneaked his hand around my waist and deepen the kiss. he was sucking my lips as if sucking the life out of me.

Not knowing what to do, I stood there bewildered in shock. He squeezed my right ass harshly making me release a painful moan in his mouth. He took the opportunity and thrust his tongue in tasting every inch of my mouth.

I don't know what I'm feeling right now,

Do I feel disgusting?

Do I feel good?
Yes, I don't know!

I was running out of breath so I tapped on his shoulder but he didn't stop for a bit. It was becoming hard for me to breathe through my nose, I pushed him with my all force but he didn't even bulge a slight in fact he held my nape and deepened the kiss more.

He bites my lower lip severely making it bleed, I could feel the taste of metal in my mouth. I felt like snapping out but thankfully got my senses back when he left my lips and stood a few inches away.

My chest heaved up and down because of the lack of breath. I looked at him and he was smirking, enjoying my condition. I passed him a deadly glare and if a glare could possibly kill someone then he must be dead by now.

"you taste like heaven" he spoke nonchalantly.
Winked at me and before I could snap at him, he left me there dumbfounded.

After a while, he came with a damped fabric, staring into my brown orbs, he lifted my chin with his index finger and started cleaning the blood on my throat maybe because of the blade.

When he was done with my throat, I touched my lips and that too was bleeding, I looked at my thumb covered with my blood.

I indicated my thumb towards his eyes and snapped


He narrowed his brows at my choice of tone but I don't give a shit about his attitude. I took the fabric from his hands and was about to clean the blood.

But he stopped me and again kissed me on my lips, but it was gentle this time as if he was taking time to clean the blood from my lips.

Is he a vampire or what? He backed off and added indicating towards the fabric.

"why use this when you have my skilful tongue"

My gaze fell on the dead bodies on the floor which made my breath hitch in my throat and unknowingly I stuttered

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