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Alexandr Kuznetsov

unexpectedly I had to get married, I don't have any plans for relationships, one nightstand is sufficient.

But her, bubblegum, looks ethereal. I still remember when I first saw her on the roads, her brown orbs, long wavy hair, beautiful skin, everything looked enchanting.

The very moment I saw her a desire to touch her, ruin her, made her scream under me arise in my body.

Ohhh, bubblegum just by her one thought my pants twist inside it.
But I have no thoughts of marrying her but end up this way.

I was in my thoughts when I heard Arsalan yelling in joy

"well bhabhi looks enchanting and beautiful "

I just gave him a tight-lipped smile and looked at August, he seemed more silent than usual.

"ohh god, I wonder how this cold-hearted got this innocent soul "

Arsalan mumbled taking a seat on the opposite chair.

"He married her at gunpoint and she is nothing but the compensation of all the losses Alex had faced because of her father "

August spoke looking into my eyes as if he were throwing draggers on me, Arsalan looked at me with 'What the fuck look'

I am not answerable to anyone not even my brothers that is why I had married her when I didn't want to.

I looked at them with a dangerous glare and retorted

"In whatever circumstances we had married, she is my wife and your queen "

It was almost night and I was really stuck in my office working 24/7 but I had to go, my princess must be waiting for me.

I exited the office and made my way towards the dining, marina and Arsalan were already sitting in their places.

I took my seat in the centre, soon enough a small figure jumped on my chest and I knew who it was my only princess.

"Alexi, I missed you "

Elsa spoke, I took her in my arms and made her sit on my lap, she was yawning, my beautiful princess.

(Guys don't get the wrong idea ) she is not my daughter but not less than that, Marina is her mother and the mystery after this will be told to you later.

"I am sorry princess"
I mumbled while kissing her cheeks. I was kissing her but someone's aroma distracted me.

I looked in that direction and saw her in a whole white dress, her hair up in a bun and a few strands of hair falling on her face.

She was not wearing any makeup but still, she looked enchanting and that black circular dot type thing(bindi) between her brows was the cherry on the top.

She was not wearing any makeup but still, she looked enchanting and that black circular dot type thing(bindi) between her brows was the cherry on the top

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