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I was sleeping on something soft
Peacefully when someone strokes my cheeks, I wince in sleep and hear some giggles.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a cute little girl sitting near me, smiling widely, she kissed me on the cheeks.

I opened my eyes for a clear view and saw it was Elsa, yes, I know I saw her on the dining table with him, is he has a daughter.

The question arose in my mind, I got up and rested my back on the headboard. I smiled looking at her and saw Marina sitting on the chair.

Elsa came and sat on my lap, she was cuddling with me. I looked at Marina and she spoke

"Elsa can't be comfortable with people this quickly, maybe you are an exception "

I smiled at her words and kissed Elsa making her giggle more, the curiosity got the best of me but I held myself back from asking questions regarding him.

There was a silence in the room just the giggles of Elsa and mine could be heard but Marina spoke

"you were unconscious when Alex brought you here, you slept for the whole day"

My eyes widened at her words, is it really I was sleeping for the whole day?

"How could you live with this monster, don't you feel suffocated "

I asked caressing Elsa's hair and she was playing with mine.

"Sam, he is not a monster "

Marina spoke in a loud voice making me look at her but I retorted nonchalantly

"marrying someone forcefully and keeping her as a prisoner, which kind of good person does this? He is nothing more than a monster "

"See Sam, I don't know in what circumstances you both had married but now you have stepped into his life so you should accept him "

Marina spoke taking Elsa in his arms but I held her hand in mine and uttered

"Marina, I was never loved by anyone, please I don't want to get tortured, please Marina help me escape this place".

Marina squeezed my hands and spoke

"your wedding reception is going to be held after 3 days, accept it Sam you have no way out here"

She got up from the chair making me hopeless and leaving me in this hell.

She turned around and spoke

"I don't have any relation with him but still that monster saved me from getting raped "

I listened to her but what kind of person he is who saved a girl from getting raped but tried to rape me.


Three days had passed and I had never seen Alexandr in these days, it's not like I am complaining but was relieved.

I had always spent my time playing with Elsa and making delicious food for Arsalan.

Heer is also doing good, Elsa also got comfortable with Heer. Here everyone is kind and friendly.

August didn't talk much with me but still cared for me, he showed that nothing affected him but he always praised me when I made something delicious.

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