543 40 3

When did this bruise start
Why can't it heal
Why is it so hard
To understand how I feel

Why do you have no compassion
Why do you fight me so hard
Do I really deserve this aggression
Do I need to be torn apart?


I ran upstairs to the room to pick some fresh clothes that could work as bandages but I found none.

Opening the closet I found various of his t-shirts. Tearing into various separate pieces, I made my way downstairs again.

I need to collect herbs for infection but the storm. You have to do it samyuktha, you can do it.

Chanting these magical words in my head again and again I stepped out of the mansion in search of the specific herbs.

The heavy rain was not doing anything good to my situation it was just making everything worse.

Pouring me from head to toe making my t-shirt stick and appear as a second skin but I need to focus on herbs rather than the coldness of water.

Successfully after searching for a while, I got the herbs which was needed and ran towards his direction, to the kitchen wetting the whole mansion with my footsteps.

I glanced at him, he was still swallowing alcohol ignoring the injuries.

In the morning when I looked at his naked figure, he looked like a perfect example of a mesomorph. Anybody could lust over his well-built body.

But now looking at his wounded hands something aches inside my chest, an unknown feeling that I am not aware of.

I don't want to feel anything, at least not for him but it feels like there is nothing I could stop or control.

Examining him all bloody and injured it feels like soul shattering.

Our eyes met for a few milliseconds and I immediately diverted my gaze towards the gas stove where I had put some water to boil to clean his wounds.

Placing the blade on fire till it converts its colour into black. Taking the herbs which I brought and grinding them with the stone I made a medicinal paste.

Now it's time to take the bullets out of his body. Am I capable of doing it, what if something goes wrong but attempting is better than regretting it later?

At first, I took the clothes and damped them with boiled water.
With shivering hands and body I sat on my knees in front of him just inches away from his body.

His eyes were purely red, his state was terrifying me beyond my limits.

Forwarding my hands I started to clean the blood from his body as soon as possible.

"I told you to sleep" he spoke while gulping a huge amount of alcohol.

I peeked at him with my side eyes while cleaning the blood from his body and retorted

"I'm not sleepy"

His lips curved up a little and something flashed in his eyes, something unknown, a strong emotion but it vanished in no time and he again maintained his stoic face.

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