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"Nine bomb blasts took place in the local market,5000 people dead and 7000 were severely injured and were treated in the hospitals. according to our sources, the culprit or the mastermind behind this has still not been revealed"News channels were continuously forecasting this news.

He snapped out of his makeout in
One of his clubs and he knows whose work is it.

The girl who was half naked looked at him with a questioning look about why he stopped.

He was never a person who cared for others but the only thing that matters to him is his family.

He ran towards the exit when that girl spoke more like a moan
"Where are you going handsome"

He annoyingly chuckled and turned around pointing the gun at her temples and breath out

After that, he shot her right in the centre of the brain.

Soon one of his guards came and spoke catching his breath for running too long

"sir, it's him we need to clear the mansion before it turns into ashes "
His blood boiled and without wasting any time he ran toward his Mustang.

He knows 'him' refers to whom, it's the Eastern mafia boss who is been captivated and tortured by Alexandr.

Every bomb blast in the city was because of him, there were his people behind this plan to rescue him.

He reached to his mansion and saw his house on fire, he panicked and saw Arsalan and August rescuing every person including the maids.

They were taking them to the chopper. Alexandr looked at them and made himself sure that every person was safe.

"fucking hell" he screamed when he didn't find samyuktha among them

"where is samyuktha, "he asked screaming which he had received from Marina


He ran towards the mansion which now is burning in fire. he entered the hall avoiding the fire flames.

He knew that they had only a few minutes from the blast so he ran and searched her in every corner.

When he reached to the backyard of the mansion he didn't find her.

Unknowingly a feeling of losing her and being unable to protect came to his stone heart.

"Where are you, you idiot " he spoke under his breath while looking here and there for her.

He was passing by when he saw her near a tree saving her heer, that tree was too on fire.

He ran towards her holding her wrist and started dragging but she immediately stopped him and cried out

"Heer, please save her"

He looked at the small creature and without arguing saved her heer from the fire and gave it to her.

A small smile kept on her lips finding her heer to be sound and safe in her arms not knowing that she was safe too in his arms.

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