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I walk alone in this big crowded place,
Sorrow and sadness is etched on this face,
The year's and the tears, that I can not displace,
I try to gain ground, but am losing this race.



It was almost afternoon and samyuktha had caged herself in the room due to the unbearable cramps she was having.

From morning till now Alexandr had checked on her twice and every time he knocked on the door he only received rejection by hearing 'get lost'.

Alexandr was never a person with patience, in fact, he had zero tolerance level. But when it comes to samyuktha he doesn't know why he was behaving.

He has searched about periods on the internet and he found various sites that say, to give her warmness, comfort, sweets and much more.

Alexandr is here in the kitchen cooking Kheer, the only sweet he knows how to make but has never tried before.

He arranged the kheer in two bowls properly and placed it on the dining table with the spoons dipped in it.

He climbed up the stairs upon reaching to the room he knocked twice and as usual he received a yelling voice

"just get lost Alexandr"

Hearing her voice which precisely took his name which he liked the most, his lips curved upwards in a soft smile.

He no longer had the power to tolerate her tantrums, he barged into the room with his predatory steps and announced.

"I came here to take something"

She was sleeping on her stomach clutching it tightly, face dipped into the pillow and legs moving back and forth as she was experiencing her first day of cramps.

Making an annoyed face she answered still face dipped in and her voice came muffled.

"Take whatever yours and don't come again"

He stood there for some time processing her words and she thought that he must have left till now.

But her thoughts were proved wrong when he forcefully rolled her body on her back picked her up in his arms in bridal style and exited the room.

She tried to resist but she was nothing in front of him. He is 6'1 and is a complete example of a mesomorph body.

"what the hell are you doing"
She yelled and started hitting his chest to get free of his hold.

But he embraced her more strongly being irritated by her constant wiggling and spoke

"I am just taking my belongings out of that room"

"I told you to take what's yours, not me" she clarified her words and clutched his collar for support.

"The only stuff I could say mine in that room was you" He placed her on the dining table instead of making her sit on the chair.

She tried to get down but failed miserably because of his tight grip on her thighs.

He forwarded her a bowl of kheer. she narrowed her eyes upon seeing the bowl and asked

"What's this"


Listening to him, she jumped took the bowl from his hands and started eating with her bare hands ignoring the spoon as if it was her last meal of life.

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