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Why can't you tell
That I'm living in hell?
My face alone should show,
That I'm not doing so well.



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"niraali di ham kaha jaa rahe hai," I asked out of curiosity, I was beyond happy, I couldn't even myself decipher my state of happiness.

We were walking through the corridors of the palace, I and my elder sister Niraali di, I had never seen this beautiful place ever exist in this palace where I used to live until now.

"kamre main leke jaa rahi hu, sona chahogi ache se ruyi wale ghade pe" Niraali Dii spoke and my eyes lit up with sparkles, I looked at her and nodded my head immediately.

I don't know how it feels to sleep in a clean room, on a soft mattress, with colourful walls, an Air conditioner, a window from which I could gaze at the city and especially without musak jii, I know I shouldn't be afraid of them but they are too big in the store room and some times they do bite me which made me complain Ganesh ji about them.

Niraali dii pushed open the door of god knows which room, we entered and my mouth was hung open looking at the huge bed in the middle of the room with a chandelier hanging just above the bed, the walls were painted in grey with a touch of golden colour.

I stood near the huge glass window admiring the view of the mountains and twinkling stars in the night. Niraali dii held my hand and made me sit on the bed, the mattress was so soft like candy floss.

"yaha betho ham tumhare liye chocolate leke aate hai, hilna mat yaha se" Niraali dii spoke and departed the room

I sat there patiently waiting for my chocolates to arrive, I had always seen Niraali dii eating that brown colour substance and dreamed about having one for me. I had even tried to steal some from her cupboard while cleaning her room and for that, Niraali dii slapped me several times along with keeping me starving for a day.

I don't know why suddenly she was behaving well with me but I am happy, finally, I will be getting things like them, will be loved like them.

The door burst open and my lips curved upwards just to get shocked by the unknown arrival of him, I know they all despised me, they hated me, they all hated my existence.

I trembled in my place fidgeting with my finger on my lap, my eyes widened looking at him and closed the door behind.

He took a slow step towards me while removing his shirt and threw it on the divan.

"AAP..aap..yaha," I asked with quivering lips and tried to stand up on my feet but he held my wrist and tossed me on the bed harshly, my back collided with the mattress and the soft mattress which I had always dreamt to sleep had become my worst nightmare.

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