Chapter 7: Tour

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Bailey's POV
Time to show Blueberry around the school. I'm kind of used to doing tours now. Like I gave paisley and Zane a tour last term and a few others. Although it's not exactly private as I have to do it with someone else, which normally is selected by Vice Principal Frankie. Last term, I showed Paisley, Zane and a few others around with Mike. This time I think I have to tour with Mishka? I'd already given Miss Bella a note that Mishka would be absent to the art class as she will be helping with a tour. It wasn't that hard to find Blueberry as her locker was next to mine. Mishka met up with us and we began. "Umm I thought this was a private tour?" Blueberry said confused. "It is a private tour." I said to her. "Um, then what is Mishka doing here?" She asked. "Oh I'm helping out with the tour. Anyway let's go!". Blueberry looked like she had just saw a frog crossed wolf crossed pig crossed rat. We soon began. We ran into a cat in the halls. "Oh hello. Are you doing a tour?" She asked. She looked like a cat I'd seen in the news. Flossie? "Um yes we are, but may I ask you... are you Flossie?" She chuckled. "Haha yes." "As in Flossie Flossie? Oldest cat in the world Flossie?!" She nodded at me. I was dumbfounded! I think my mouth was probably wide open. "It is such an honor to meet you!! Can I shake your paw?" "Sure." She held out her paw, I shook it really fast! "Woah woah, slow down there, capo!" I stopped. Capo? WHO CARES?! SHE'S FAMOUS! "Maybe we can talk later, you look busy and I have to get to cooking class." Cooking class is on right now? MUST TELL COCO. She walked off. "No way.. was that seriously Flossie?" Blueberry and Mishka said at the same time. "JINX! DOUBLE JINX! TRIPLE JINX! QUADRUPLE JINX! QUINTUPLE JINX! SEXTUPLE JINX! SEPTUPLE JINX! OCTUPLE JINX!" They said at the same time. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Lot of jinxes. I blinked at them. Then they both bursted into laughter. Girls. Are. Weird. We continued on the tour. "So here are the home rooms, A1, B2, C3, D4 and E5." We then walked by the music room. We walked in. A class was going on. Atlas waved to me. I waved back. "This is the music room. Where both dogs and cats, learn about music through time, different instruments, sounds, dance, etc." blueberry nodded. We then went into the library. Before Mishka could talk, Miss Mimi got up and put her paw to Mishka's mouth. "They're meditating." She whispered to us. I looked puzzled. I always am in library. Miss Meredith... is a really weird... teacher. We went to a different section in the library. "Alright so, this is the library. In here, dogs and cats learn about authors, do book related activities, borrow books, read books and a little bit of writing. The library also holds the student council meetings in here and the technology club." Mishka said.

Blueberry's POV
The library was pretty big. Although it wasn't a separate building, it was connected to the school. This school was quite different. We walked out and walked into the art room I think it was. Bailey started talking, although I wasn't listening. Honestly... I think I like Bailey. I haven't known him for long but I just do. But.. one problem. There's a chance he might like someone else! Hopefully that's not it. But how do I tell him? Oh wait- the dance! There's going to be a dance isn't there? I could ask him! But what if he rejects me? Or he's already asked by someone else by then? Or maybe at the slow dance I can ask him to dance! Or he can reject then as well, or maybe someone else will beat me to him! Who would beat me to him though? Coco? I originally came to this school hating Akira, because I used to have a crush on Arthur but when I told Atlas about it, he told me he liked a cat called AKIRA. But now... I think coco's in my way. Not for long though. I'll make Bailey hate her.

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