Chapter 11: Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand

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Elton's POV
Honestly, I don't mind Guinea pigs although..... some have very mixed personalities. Very mixed. Like it goes from normal rebel Guinea pig to insanely goth Guinea pig to world domination hungry Guinea pig (probably not the best Guinea pig) I've always wondered the point of Guinea pigs. I felt a chomp on my tail. "Eek!" I squealed. Bailey looked at me weirdly. "You alright?" "I just felt like a snake bit my tail but I probably flinched from a fly. You never know." I ate my sandwich awkwardly. Today's combination is Honey, Cheese and Apple. Pretty good. I then looked behind me. Penny. And a little friend. Who bit me? The other Guinea was smirking and clutching his hands together then followed by an evil smile. I nudged Stewart. "Stu. Look behind." He gave me a furious look. Atlas, Bailey, Zane and I just call him Stu now. Just why not? He's not big into nicknames. So in return, he gave atlas the nickname, Attie. Sounds like Hattie. I want to call him Hattie so bad! Although I'm too scared, he might chomp me. He's not that mean... or is he? No Elton! He's like one of your best friends. Bailey is Bails. Zane is Zaney (it sounds fun!) and I'm.... El. Just El. Did you think it was going to be Ellie or something? Well nope! ITS EL. Ana, Amby and Flash came. That's what we call the Evil Trio. Aina just doesn't do it. Amber? Too plain and common. Glitter? Doesn't sound cool enough. "Here comes the drama Queens!" Cindy said. "Drama Queen? You're a drama Queen. Get with it." Aina said. I think Aina is trying to raise to Glitter and Amber's level. Try hard. Not that she should be. I kept looking behind me at Penny and the other Guinea pig. "What do you keep looking at, Sandwich Guy?" Amber asked me rudely. Oh no. "Um my tail." She looked at me weirdly. "Because there might be an infection! Gotta treat it quick haha." I lied. "Oh really? Show me then." "NO! um it's inflated and it's uhhh red! Yeah red! And it's losing hair, yeah losing hair." She shook her head at me. They then walked off and Glitter gave Blueberry a note. Arthur and Cindy looked at it with her. "Hey Strawberry, you seem pretty cool. You should ditch these dogs and cats for us. What do you say?" Blueberry read aloud. "First of all my name is Blueberry and second of all, I don't like them." She tore and scrunched the paper and threw it. It donked on Emerald's head. She turned around and the minutes she saw Paisley, she scoffed and kept walking. I then brought Penny and the other Guinea to our attention. Everyone crowded around them so no one knew that they were Guinea pigs. "Wassup everybody?" Penny asked us. "What's up is that these fiddle dee dum dogs and cats will be my puppets in my world domination scheme! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" "You're scaring me.." Akira said. Penny sighed. "Everyone, this is Edward, one of my friends. He.. well you can already tell." Edward was twitching his eye. This was awkward. He took Zane face and started squeezing it. "You shall be my little assistant!" He dragged Zane along with him into the bush where Zane's white fur started to get dirty. "Alright diablo, so all you gotta do is convince the humans to-"

Thor's POV
I was walking around in the school halls, just coming back from detention. In detention, for lunch, you only get soup. Each day is a different soup. Monday the Gazpacho de Mango. Tuesday (today) the Lahana çorbasi (a Turkish soup). Wednesday the Basler Mehlsuppe (a soup from Switzerland). Thursday the Czernina (a polish soup). Friday the Brotsuppe (a German soup). I don't like any soup though. The one I had today was an ugly swamp green with light brown things floating in it. I was walking back when I saw Aina, Amber and Glitter. Finally. They stopped in front of me. "Thor, we must talk to you." Glitter said to me. "Yeah what about?" "We're demoting you from Leader. Considering you talked to and was friendly with the enemy, now Chief is the leader. We catch you talking or being friendly again to them, you are out of the pack. You got it? It's a privilege to be with us." Demote me from leader? What? How? Wow I didn't know a friendship was going to blow up on my face, I'll just stick to Aina, Amber and Glitter from now on.

Coco's POV
After school. Finally. I went over to Bree's house and went through the cat flap. Camera greeted me with barking. I ignored her and walked around to find Bree. I found her in the family room working on a sheet of paper. What? "Hey Bree! Whatcha doing there?" I asked her. "Homework. For school. And school captain speech. It's a lot of work." "Wait you're running for school captain?" "Yes and we have to give our speeches on Thursday. Maybe this whole school captain thing was a bad idea. Also I have a role in the musical for something called Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and I'm Zoey. But that's not the point. Although I have made 2 friends. Alaine and Daisy. A cat and a dog. Camera made friends with Winnie. A corgi." "Oh Daisy is now your friend? She used to go to my school. She had to give up her role in the musical at our school." "Oh, sad. Other than everything, school's been good though." I was proud of Bree. Already achieving so much at her new school. I didn't do much when I joined DSP. But then again, I was the school's laughing stock. Wonder if anyone remembers. If Glitter gets reminded then oof, everything will be thrown at me all at once

At 10:55pm.
At Zane's house:
Zane was sleeping with his teenaged owner in her room. She was fast asleep. He looked aimlessly at the clock on the wall. He felt bad for leaving her. He had to go on. He sat up and went over to her. "I'll be back, Flora." He whispered. Not like she could understand. He got down from the ladder and went out of the room, the floorboards creaked. He had to be careful. Not to wake up Flora, her father, the butler or Paisley. He took the old creaky elevator down to the first floor. When he reached the bottom floor, darkness surrounded him. He did a quick check for paisley.  He couldn't see her. Where was she? Was she near? Was she far? He took the risk and kept walking. "What are you doing?" He heard a voice behind him. He flinched and turned around. Paisley. What was he meant to say. "I'm getting bread. From the bakery." She looked at him weirdly. "Bakery? At this hour? You're not going to the bakery." He sighed. No use, Paisley was onto him. "I'm doing a ghost busters thing with Arthur, Cloud, Skye and Stewart. We're meant to meet at the school at 11pm."  she hung her head low at him. "Okay just.. be careful. Also be safe. Come home in one piece. I'll keep Flora company till then." He hugged Paisley in gratitude and started walking. He got 3 spicy candies out of the secret candy stash that their owners keep for Halloween, for the trick or treaters. He shoved the candies in his fur. And he went on. He got out of the dog door which the butler had forgotten to lock and he set the journey to the school.

Arthur's POV
I am currently at DSP. I brought a flashlight, magnifying glass, plastic bags and salt and vinegar potato chips. The essentials for this mission. He saw cloud coming. "Flashlight?" I asked Cloud. "Check." I'd only asked Cloud and Skye to bring a flashlight as we'll only need 3. Soon I saw Skye and Stewart running along. Skye had her flashlight and was guiding the both of them, still missing Zane, where could he be? "Does Zane sleep in much?" "Probably." Stewart replied to me. Soon i saw a blazing Zane coming right our way. "You got the spicy candies?" He nodded. "Alright, let's go in, team." "It's locked." Skye said. "Everyone stand back!" Zane told us all. We all took a few steps back. He got a spicy candy out of his fur. He unwrapped it and plopped it in his mouth. "SPICY MAKE MEH GO CRAZY!" He started to get ready. His fur rippled and rippled even more. Then leaped and jumped at the door. They both flung open. "Mmmm yummy Hot Chili Pepper. My favorite." We were all blown away. Not literally. "Let's blow this popsicle stand." Zane said. "That's it! That's it! That our name! Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand. LBTPS." I said. "Nice thinking, Arthur. Zane, that's really cool what you did there. We went in, it was dark and gloomy. "Cloud, Skye, turn the flashlights on." I turned mine on and they listened and didn't there's. We walked into the darkness. "Wait." Skye stopped. We looked back at her. Waiting for her to continue. "Wont this all be on security cameras? They check the footage everyday apparently. We'll get in trouble. Because technically we are trespassing, breaking in and possible detention or even suspension." Skye was right. Skye's really smart. "Luckily I brought duct tape." Stewart said bringing his tape out of his backpack. We started working together to cover up the cameras. Being extra careful at the same time. We decided we'd covered enough ground with the tape and cameras so we started our investigation. There was definitely new paw prints. Very fresh one's indeed. We took photos of everything we needed to. As we had a camera with us. I heard a clang. "Did you guys hear that? It sounded like it came from the cafeteria." Zane said. We nodded at him and then we listened again. CLANG! We went forward around the cafeteria and we peeked. There it was. The creature. We couldn't quite make out the coloring, it was dark. It was scruffy and was making weird chittering sounds. It was eating food scraps and was ransacking the bins. Cloud had a net device that shoots nets. She lined up her aim. "Now?" "Now." She shot it out. We watched in awe. But the creature turned around saw the net. He moved a bit to dodge the net and it didn't get him. It looked at us. It started to back up. Time to start the capturing. "Skye! Go!" I told her. She got her rope and started running towards it and was flinging it above her head. She flung the rope at him but instead it wrapped around the bin and caused her to fall in. "Stewart you're up." I told him. He went out with his duct tape. He cut a long piece out and flung it at the creature while it was backed up against the wall. It kicked the tape back at Stewart making him get caught up in his own tape. "Zane, go!" He got one of his spicy candies, unwrapped it and shoved it in his mouth, "mmm Wasabi Spice." He started to charge at the creature and attempted to pounce. The creature jumped in the air, bounced off Zane and landed on one of the tables and started to growl. It was up to Cloud, Zane and I. We went at it at the same time from different directions. It jumped in the air just 3 centimeters from us and we collided into each other. It then ran off and hid somewhere. "We'll come back tomorrow night. For now, we'll have to let this case rest, we can't look for it tonight."

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