Chapter 26: The Bus Bully

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Week 8
Atlas's POV
My owners don't walk me to school or drive me to school. Because we have a small car, which means I have to catch The Pet Bus. The Pet Bus also has students from Little Red. Like Daisy. I was waiting at the bus stop with Amber and 2 other cats. Amber thinks she own the Bus. But she doesn't. My stop is the first stop, also the last stop at the end of the day. The bus picks us up first and drops us off last. The bus came and we all got on. I sat in a random seat. Ready to sit next to anyone who comes on and is willing to. Second stop, Chief and Daisy. Chief sits next to Amber. I'm still alone. Daisy says hi and then she sits somewhere else. Third stop, Emerald and Flossie get on. Emerald announces herself coming onto the bus. She tried to make it known. "Oh shut up, no one cares." Amber always says. Emerald waits for Skye. I wait for Elton. Fourth stop, no one I know gets on. Fast forward to last stop. I'm sitting next to Stewart. Skye is helping Emerald with the math homework she didn't do. Amber get up and goes to Skye. "What a nerd. Hahahaha." She said with her evil laugh. "Why do you always wear glasses?" She asked Skye. Skye has cool red glasses. Amber snatched them off her face and had a look at them. Stewart got up. "Hey give them back." Stewart's protective over Skye, even though Skye is the older sibling. Stewart tried to snatch the glasses form Amber but she lifted them high. I like to call Amber, The Bus Bully. Emerald reached over Skye and swiped the glasses out of Amber's paws. Skye had two defenders, her brother and one of her best friends. Before Stewart could pick them up, Chief got up and threw them to amber. Stewart held onto Skye's glasses tight but so did Amber, they started to play tug of war with it. This was not going to end well. But then, Amber pulled it really hard and the glasses split into half. "My glasses!" Skye exclaimed. She picked up what was left of them. Skye started to cry, one of her eyes looked weird. Her left eye was blurry. "What's with your eye? Ones blurry and the other is blue?" Amber asked. "I'm half blind. In my left eye I am blind, I was born with it. I wear glasses to see better and the glasses don't make it so obvious." Skye explained. "Why didn't you tell me?" Emerald asked her. "I didn't want to tell anyone." I knew the real reason, if she told Emerald or Lacy, everyone would know. Finally the bus arrived at the school. Emerald took Skye to the nurse.

Bailey's POV
I saw Atlas and Stewart get off the bus. Stewart looked angry. "Stewart? You okay?" I asked him. Stewart took a big sigh. "Amber broke Skye's glasses." Of course Amber did that, Amber's horrible. I hoped Skye was okay, she's really nice and smart. "Extra! Extra! Get your DSP Newspaper!" Cindy was calling out. Cindy's loud. She had a bunch of newspapers. Atlas went and got one. He always gets one. We were flicking through it then there was a thing about blind cats and dogs. There was some messages from the blind pets in our school, as well as Skye?! Skye's blind in one eye? I never knew that. "Hey a spot some sort of coupon thing." Elton said pointing to one on that page. "Get a free pair of glasses from GlassyEyes!" This was perfect! Atlas ripped it out and gave it to Stewart. Stewart was really happy and so was I to be honest. Now Skye can still have glasses. Well, problem solved! Skye came out from the Nurse with an eyepatch on her left eye. Stewart ran to her and showed her the coupon. Her face lit up with joy. She was so happy. Problem solved.

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