Chapter 19: PSN

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Cindy's POV
It's a great start to a Thursday. Well not really, I'm late to school because Bailey slept in which was REALLY ANNOYING. so I barked in his ear to wake him up, which was a big mistake because he whacked me. So I ran out of the room and left him alone. So then he had to eat breakfast, make an effort to get his backpack ready with all his homework and drink and- yeah you get it. Then he took forever(!) to get to the car. We arrived at school at 8:30. This was really bad! School starts at 8:25 and by then you should be making your way to your home room for attendance and any notes or detentions and change in class schedules. Or some other random stuff I can't think off the top of my head. By now, Miss Nina has probably marked me absent. Plus, I had to get to the Pet School Newspaper session! You're meant to be there at 8:30 on the dot. Meaning I'm late to both my home room and pet school newspaper session. PSN session for short. Miss Nina hates it when we're late. She once gave Zane detention. After school detention for the amount of time he was late. Which was 6 minutes. The reason he was late was because he was looking for his homework for Medical Studies. Yes that's one of the new classes, the homework isn't that hard but teachers do give detention if you don't hand in your homework when you're meant to. Unless your owners give a note to say why or if teachers think you have a valid reason (more like excuse) for not handing it in on time or not doing it. But it doesn't happen that often. All I know is that Paisley got away with it because she told Miss Bella how she only got the sketching and a bit of watercolor done on her self portrait for homework because she has been training hard for the swimming team and has been rehearsing hard on the musical, Encanto. Which was true, so Miss Bella said she could hand it in the next day. I raced to home room B2, also know as my home room. I prepared myself. I opened the door. I could tell Miss Nina was about to send everybody out. But then she saw me. "Well look who decided to show up. Why are you 5 minutes late?" I could tell I was in trouble. "I'm sorry Miss Nina, Bailey slept in and he had-" "I don't care, detention after school for 5 minutes." First time getting detention. Just great. Bailey and Coco will be so mad at me when I tell them. Because that means they also have to wait 5 minutes for me. It was now 8:32 and Miss Nina had given me permission to go to the PSN session. So I ran there and of course everyone was already there. The only others I know at PSN is Akira, Emerald and Lacy. But I usually hang around Akira. Emerald and Lacy are the top gossips of the school, that's obviously why they join the PSN, they know everything about about everyone and what's happening constantly. It can be annoying but it's good for the PSN. It is currently Thursday and the PSN issues on every Tuesday. I sat down immediately. "Does anyone have any ideas what we can put on the front page?" Akira was asking everyone. "Did that mysterious thing that's been in the school at night been caught yet?" I asked. "No I don't think so! But that's great Cindy! The head line can be: Mysterious Thing Caught Or Not." We all agreed that was a good idea. We had to work on the other departments in the newspaper. "We should add in something about the dance." Emerald suggested. "Yeah but like about what? That it's in 5 weeks time?" Lacy said to her. "That's exactly what we say Lacy, we say the dance is in 5 weeks time and about my dress work shop, bits and pieces about Miss Petty's and in one of the issues there will be a gift card for Miss Petty's. Because there's always on issue with some sort of prize thingy." This is why Akira's head of the PSN. "Next we have to add in some sort of Student achievement thing." I suggested. "I have an idea! We can add in a thing of like who's going to be student of the term this one and like didn't Arthur make some speech for the swim team recently? We can add in that." Emerald said. "Alright I'll cover the mysterious thing at night in DSP, Cindy will cover the things about the dance. Emerald you'll cover the student achievement bit." Akira ordered us. "What about me?" Lacy asked.
Lacy already knew what she was doing, she must've forgot. "The book review remember? It's your turn." "Oh yeah, I read Alone by Megan E. Freeman." She finally realized.

We started writing. Here's what I wrote for the dance:
The dance is 4 weeks away! It may seem long but before you know it, it'll be here! Akira's workshop has been quite successful and going great! They should start dressmaking soon according to Akira's schedule. Miss Petty's has also been quite the destination to get attire from the dance as it is fancy clothes for dogs and cats. Some boys have been asking with gift cards of them! The real question is are you at the workshop or are you going to shop at Miss Petty's?

By write, I mean type then we print bunch of copies. Akira also makes the prizes. She made a $40 gift card for Miss Petty's, Akira's allowed to make deals and gift cards or prizes for stores or some specialty here at DSP, but only in the PSN. After all the copies were finished we stacked them ready for Tuesday.

At 3:30pm.

School's done now! I can now relax at home and chill out. Oh and do homework, as I was about to leave the building with Bailey and Coco, "Cindy! Where do you think you are going? Remember you have 5 minutes detention after school!" It was Miss Nina. I turned around and there she was. Waiting for me by the detention room.  When Bailey and Coco realized, they looked annoyed. I sighed and went into the detention room with Miss Nina. Only 2 others were there. Chief and Lacy. I wonder why. "Why are you guys in detention?" I asked them. "I was talking in class after Miss Meredith told me to stop 3 times." Chief said. "I knocked over Miss Nina's coffee by accident when I was passing by. She thinks it was an act of attitude and that I did it on purpose." Lacy told me. "How about you?" Chief asked me. "I was 5 minutes late to class." 5 minutes felt so long. Finally the clock ticked 3:35. Chief and i got up. Obviously Lacy had to wait longer. We left the room and Bailey and Coco were angry. "Seriously Cindy? Detention? I was meant to meet up with Atlas, Elton Stewart and Zane at the snack shop." "And I have to do French homework!" Coco said. "Well it's Bailey's fault that he slept in and took forever!" I said. Bailey scoffed at me and we got to the car. Our owners dropped Bailey off at the snack shop while his friends were waiting. "We'll pick you up later Bailey!"

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