Chapter 20: Caught The Wrong One

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Week 5
Bailey's POV
You can probably tell that Mike is still pretty much the traitor he always was from us. It was sad to let him go. Deep down, I did think he was a friend. If I had the opportunity to give Mike a second chance, I would do it. I'm sure Coco would too, because they were the two that became friends in the first place before Mike and I. Mike doesn't seem all that bad, but it's pretty hard to understand why he would do that? I do not like Medical Studies, not all the new classes are that good. I stared at the clock, waiting for it to chime. The time for lunch time. Only about 30 seconds now. I probably should listen because we have homework for medical studies. Only 10 seconds now. I couldn't help but keep watching. When someone nudged me. I turned my head, Blueberry. I didn't even realize who was sitting next to me. She gave me a note. It said: Hi. Just Hi? What? Then the bell rang for lunch and I was out of there. I was running through the halls when I stopped for a second. I could smell something... Chicken! I followed the smell to outside, and there it was. A whole stand, cats and dogs were lined up. Then I saw it, the sign said, "Hot Chicken Tenders" mmmmm. I immediately lined up, the original plan was sushi from the cafeteria but this is good for today. When I was third, I saw the cat's face who was serving. Daniel? From the shop 5 minutes away? That my friends and I go to every Thursday? Yes it was! It was finally my term. He got out a paper plate, served me a chicken tender. "Green beans with that?" He asked me. "Um sure!" I replied. He gave me it. Yummy! I went to the cafeteria with my chicken tender and green beans my friends were peering at Atlas and I's food, we'd both gotten it. Elton looked very curious. "They serve chicken tenders in the cafeteria?" He asked. "No, there's a stand outside." Miss Nina came walking over to us, great. Were not allowed to eat the chicken tenders and green beans from Daniel's stand? "Bailey, Atlas, you both still need to select a fruit, snack and drink." Oh so we were allowed as long as we had the other stuff. "Got it." Atlas said for us. I went up and got some blueberries and chicken pieces. Yes double chicken! Then I went to the vending machine and I got a bottle of Pepsi. I went back to the table. I then started drinking the Pepsi. Chugging it like coke.

Arthur's POV
12am is when Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand again to catch the mysterious creature, after quite a few missions we haven't still haven't been successful. It's 11:55, I'm waiting for Cloud, Skye, Stewart and Zane. Cloud is normally earlier than I am. it was quite surprising. Although Cloud finally came. We had to get this creature tonight. Soon enough the rest came. Zane smiled at Cloud. She blushed. What is going on. "Um cloud, I grabbed Green Jalapeño from my spicy candies." He said. He gave it to cloud. "Oh thank you." Cloud looked at it. She put it in her fur, like Zane does. I guess that's a perk with being fluffy. We got ready to enter the locked building. They put a padlock on it this time. How were we going to get in? "What do we do?" I asked them all. "It's connected by plastic, we can just cut it." Cloud got her scissors out and cut the plastic. Got Zane to take care of the door. We were in. LBTPS is in action. But then a giant net fell on us. What happened?! "Did someone know we were coming?" Skye asked. Then something suddenly appeared out of no where. "AHA! I GOT YOU! Wait what? Arthur, Cloud? Skye? Stewart and Zane? You were behind this the whole time? But only 1 figure was caught on camera..." Vice Principal Frankie! He set the net up to catch the weird mysterious creature, but I think it's hiding out in the school. "No, Vice principal Frankie, it's not us! We come in here to try and catch the creature, it's somewhere in the school." Stewart explained to him. "Oh, that's good! Because I was about to give you 5 detention haha. I was worried for a second." He said. "Well you can join us i toys want! Well after you get this net off us." Zane said. Now that I think about it, Vice Principal Frankie wouldn't be so bad on the team. Although it might be weird if a teacher joins. "Sounds fun!" We looked around for the creature. But it was hopeless, we were all getting tired very quickly. There wasn't any new stuff to take notes about. Plus the creature probably knew we had all entered the school but really, I think Vice Principal Frankie scared it off.  "I'm really tired." I told them. "Same, I think we should just call it a day." Cloud said to me. We gave up. But we'll be back on Friday. I will catch that creature if it's the last thing I do!

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