Chapter 31: Where's Akira?

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Coco's POV
Last night wasn't bad, I had quite a bit of fun! Fun dancing, food even getting asked to dance? Not how I expected my night to go, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Although after the slow dance, I couldn't find Akira. It's fine though, I'll see her today. Cindy was packing her bag while Bailey and I were already ready - in the car. She quickly ran down and got into the car. Bree and Camera waved to their car while they were going to little red. Once we got to the school, we went to check in to our home rooms. I went to mine, C3. The biggest home room, if you're wondering. I came in and Miss Luna ticked my attendance. I sat in my usual seat, but Akira wasn't there. I sit next to Akira if you're wondering and she's normally on time, never late and never early. Well except for Mondays, that's when she's a bit earlier. Paisley came in. "Oh hello dear Paisley, go on take a seat." Paisley sat in her usual spot, in the back row. Glitter was throwing her pencil at my head, as she always does. Sometimes I think I chose the wrong spot, other times I think I chose the right spot. Right now, I think I chose the wrong spot because Akira's not here yet. I like Miss Luna a bit more now that the attention is off of me. I'm no longer teacher's pet. Ever since Paisley came to the school she's been the Miss Luna's Teacher's Pet. Not a title you want unless you're Glitter. Although I resent Miss Luna a bit, because she was the reason Glitter hates me. You remember that? Glitter only hated me because I was Miss Luna's Teacher's Pet. She never got over it and probably never will. Although, Aina, Amber and Glitter hate me more for dancing with Mike who Amber has a crush on. Like it wasn't my fault! He asked me! Akira helped me out though, although I never got to say thank you, oh my gosh, would Glitter STOP THROWING PENCILS AT MY HEAD?! I whizzed around, snatched her pencil and threw it across the room. Which hit Aina... which started an outright war with everyone of pencil throwing. It got a bit chaotic... and Miss Luna couldn't take it so she went to Miss Nina to calm her down, then Miss Nina put Glitter and I on detention for recess. one of the chances to find Akira. This is the first time in history I've wanted Art to go on longer. Miss Bella can be really annoying sometimes. We were glazing some pottery we did. I made a weird looking bowl. I hated that fact I was almost done. When students finish what they're meant to do in art class, Miss Bella sends them to have an early recess, lunch or end of school and if she sends me to have an early recess, it's just longer detention. I try to dawdle as much as possible, but it fails miserably because the recess bell rings. I put the last spot of glaze on my weird looking bowl and i go to the detention room. Glitter's already there. Skye walks in. Hang on, skye? How?! "Skye? Why are you in detention?" I asked her. "I accidentally bumped into Miss Nina and dropped her coffee all over her, it was boiling hot and she had to go to Nurse Molly. She's fine though. I also have detention after school along with Stewart for being 1 minute late." Yeah I would not want Miss Nina as my home room teacher, but luckily for me, my age is past her class. Because I'm 7 turning 8. I turn 8 in October which is next term. It feels like forever being in detention. I am so bored. What if I don't even find Akira? After all of this? Wait I have Geography after this! Akira's in my Thursday Geography class! When the: Recess has Ended. Bell rang, I was out of that like crazy!! I may have a target on my back for getting Glitter in detention and throwing a pencil at Aina's head. But it's not something to worry about right now. I went upstairs and ran to Geography class, with the singing teacher. I sat down. I was the first one there, even before the Teacher. After everyone but Akira had come, the lesson started but Akira wasn't there...

At lunch, I gave up. Akira isn't here today, Coco, get over it. I told myself over and over again. When it was finally my turn at lunch, I got a burrito, grapes, roast potato and roasted chicken cat greenies treat. I sat at our table and waited. Paisley came. We had a little chat. Then someone plonked their tray down of food and sat next to me. Akira! "Akira! Where were you?" I asked her immediately. "I was late to school because I had some vet appointment and I um have some news for you two." Paisley and I listened intently. "So um Arthur and I told each other that we like each other, last night, after the slow dance." "You like Arthur?" Paisley immediately questioned. "Wait so are you two together now?" I asked eagerly. Akira sighed. "Maybe? Yes? Probably? I don't know!" I'll leave it at yes for her. Then I realized, what about paisley and atlas? I turned my head at paisley. I communicated to her through my eyes. "No. Well uh I don't think so at least." Akira was confused as ever. But now, I guess problems solved! I found Akira and Akira and Arthur are dating! Isn't that just great!

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