Chapter 3: Meeting Hayley

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Halfway into watching the movie, Leonardo looks above him to see Dan and Hayley sitting at their seats. He worryingly thinks to himself, "I hope he didn't notice me while I was in line" he says as his palms start sweating and gulps loudly. Dan gets up from his seat to use the restroom but sits back down, "Come with me so you can wait outside." he whispers Hayley agrees and the two of them exit the screening for a few minutes. Right as they left, Leonardo whispers to April, "Hey April I am going to use the restroom I'll be right back" as he is getting up quickly like he is going to explode. As he gets to the restroom door, he takes a deep breath due to overthinking and that he is most likely having a panic attack over everything that happened. Right as he calms down and is about to walk back into the theater, he sees Hayley outside of the men's restroom door. She notices Leonardo and calls him, "Excuse me. Do I know you from somewhere?" she asks as he turns his head noticing her standing in front of him, she continues, "I'm sorry it's because I think your the guy that was staring at me in the cafeteria the other day which begs the question: Why were you staring at me and my brother the other day? I am just wondering there is no bad blood between us or did my brother do something to upset you?" she asks as she waits for a response. Leonardo doesn't know how to respond but asks her a question, "Okay be honest with me why were you staring at me and give me the coldest stare known to man? I'm not sure what I did to you and your brother." Hayley feels bad for giving Leonardo the death stare but wasn't trying to get him to hate her, "Listen I am sorry for that but I did that to get you to stop staring at me which worked well temporarily though." Leonardo reconsiders, "I am sorry too I want to start over and introduce myself my name is Leonardo I am the oldest of four brothers. What is your name?" Hayley turns around to see if her brother is out of the restroom and introduces herself, "My name is Hayley the person I walked with is my brother Dan who is in the restroom right now." Leonardo smiles and compliments her, "Wow that's a beautiful name. You and your brother are not from New York aren't you? It's just that I've never seen you both at my school before and it got me wondering." Hayley does not want to dump her life story in to him as she responds with honesty, "Yeah my brother and I are from Seattle, Washington which is where we use to live until our parents were in an accident which deeply affected us both. It has been us we don't have any relatives here in New York so it is just us living together we came here to start over and have better lives." Leo is shocked to hear about Hayley's parents and feels sorry for her and offers, "I am truly sorry to hear about your parents but I have something to ask: Do you and your brother want to hang out with us at lunch? Your more than welcome to it's okay if you say no I won't get offended." Hayley looks at Leonardo surprised and accepts the offer, "Wait really? That's amazing I would love to meet you all including your brothers! I'm just shocked this is my first time getting invited to something." she says as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Leonardo seemed very happy to hear that she accepted his invite and tells her, "Okay so Monday you will sit with us. We sit a the table that we were at today. It's a date I mean a lunch date wait no it's not! Not like a date between me and you it's just a hangout." he says as his face turns red full of embarrassment. Hayley understands, "I understand what you mean Leonardo that sounds good. I know for a fact that it is not a date or anything my brother wouldn't be to happy with this you know how he can be is it okay if he tags along?" Leonardo does not hesitate with his response, "Oh you brother? The one that stared at me? Sure why not I want to get to know him better so we don't stare at each other the entire time which is what we are known to do. Also you don't have to say my full name just call me Leo for short." The duo agree to sit with each other at lunch on Monday as Leonardo is going to go back to the movie to sit with April. As he goes back to his seat and sits back down, April questions Leonardo, "Leo what took you so long?" she whispers annoyed. Leonardo tells April the conversation she had with Hayley, "April don't get mad but I talked to Hayley and I completely misjudged her she's actually really sweet. I invited her to lunch and she agreed to sit with us I'm not so sure about her brother Dan though she said she was going to talk to him" he says and wonders what her brother is going to say. April doesn't get mad at him since they are onto a great start, "I actually want to get to know her Leo I'm glad you invited her." she says in a calm tone. Back outside of the movie screening, Dan is done using the restroom, she turns her head to see him walk out of the door, "Hey Dan your not gonna believe who I bumped into and I had a conversation with" she tells him with a smile on her face. Dan asks, "Let me guess the one guy that was staring at us in the cafeteria today? I don't know his name and I don't really care" he says with a cold tone. Hayley tells him, "His name is Leonardo the one in the blue shirt and he is really nice you should give him a chance. He invited us to sit with him at lunch and I said yes." Dan gets bitter with his sister, "What did you tell him exactly? Did you tell him about how we are werewolves and that we moved away to get away from a certain person? You accepted why would you do that? Hayley if they find out our secret and what we are we have to move again and it will be your fault since you will be the reason we got exposed." he questions as he didn't seem happy with his sister. Hayley seemed to not like her brother's attitude, "Frist of all I never said that I only mentioned that we use to live in Seattle, Washington and that mom and dad died in an accident which is true. Another thing it is not a full moon and it's during the day it should not be a problem. I am not a child anymore you shouldn't treat me like one." she says as tears begin to stream down her eyes. Dan regrets being upset with his sister and gives her a hug to cheer her up, "Listen I'm sorry for how I acted just now it's just I do not want our secret exposed to the world who will see us as monsters" he tells her as he is hugging her and she is wiping her leftover tears on her face. Leonardo gets up from his seat to use the restroom and sees that Dan and Hayley are hugging each other, he wonders what happened but doesn't interfere and sits back down at his seat to not make it obvious. Raphael asks him whispering, "Wait did you see Hayley? Ooohh you like her. I wouldn't blame you if you like her I kind of like her too." Leonardo is startled for a moment, "Wait you have a crush on her? Well be glad I invited her to sit with us at lunch on Monday" he says with a smirk on his face. Raphael's face starts to turn red and starts to look nervous, "No you didn't this is the best thing you have ever done I got to smell nice and not screw up by saying something awkward." he says as he starts to smell himself for a moment. Leonardo whispers and tells his brother while watching the movie, "Yeah it's not that hard but I slipped up and accidentally told her that it was a lunch date but she knows that it is not a date it's more of a hangout plus her brother is going to be with her anyway" as he tells him without getting frustrated. Raphael starts to tease him and not be loud about it, "You were going to ask her out? You like her I can definitely tell!! Ooohhh!!! Leo's got a girlfriend" he whispers as Leonardo seems a little irritated, "Stop! It's not like that" he admits as he feels he is trying to make a scene around them. Leonardo tries not to look at his brother and sees from the corner of his eye to see the two twins come back from outside as they walk into the auditorium and sit at their seats to look at the screen. As the movie ends, Leonardo looks over to see Dan and Hayley gone and assumes they both left right away to avoid a conversation which saddened Leonardo but feels a little better since he talked to Hayley.

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