Chapter One

893 23 14

December 22nd, 2023
Nine Months Later...

I clenched my eyelids and released a shallow exhale, my nipples hardening beneath the fabric of my oversized t-shirt as the vibration of the toy stimulated my clit and made me squirm.

"Kayden," I whispered, envisioning his shirtless, sculpted torso covered with sweat after a long, intense workout.

I bit my lip, picturing the pumped muscles in his back flexing as he lifted a water bottle and poured it over his head, the water trickling down his face, dripping from his sculpted jaw onto his collar.

His muscles tightening when he lifts his hand again, running it through his wet hair, then bringing it down over his face to remove excess water. His tan skin glistened under the sunlight as he turned and spotted me with his captivating aqua eyes, a sexy smirk finding his lips.

He walked up, his eyes never straying from mine, and forced me on my back over the picnic table. I gasped, watching him grab my knees and spread my legs to get between them.

He leaned over me and captured my lips with his, desperately devouring mine with small, muffled groans. I wrapped my arm around his neck and lost my fingers in his hair, feeling his calloused hand run over my body and create a trail of goosebumps in its path. His other hand positioned next to me, holding his body up.

"Be a good girl and lie still for me, baby," he replied in a sultry whisper, disconnecting our lips before placing kisses all along my neck, easing his way down to my collar. His roaming hand tugged on the hem of my shirt, then he unexpectedly tore it clean off.

I whimpered, my breasts becoming engulfed in the chill air as they fell out for any spying eyes to see. He proceeded downward, hungrily pressing his lips against my left breast and swirling his hot tongue around my areola. He started to suck on my nipple, using his tongue to play with it and I moaned.

"I want you nice and wet for me," he purred, groping my other breast and kissing his way down my abdomen.

He grabbed the waistband of my bottoms and slid them down, pulling them over my feet and tossing them to the side. His warm lips kissed my fresh shave and I exhaled, whimpering softly.

"I'm your good girl," I exhaled, closing my eyes to focus on his touch.

He wrapped his arms around my thighs to keep me still, squeezing them tightly just as I felt him gently kiss my sensitivity. My body uncontrollably twitched at the contact and I squeezed my breast, grasping onto the wood of the table. He moved down and wrapped his mouth around my arousal, audibly making out with my wetness.

"You taste so good, baby. You're such a good girl," he released a guttural growl, using his tongue to play with my clit. The sparks from the connection made me reach down to tug at strands of his damp hair.

"Kayden," I whined, squirming under his control, but he tightened his hold and kept me in my place.

"Watch me," he demanded. I looked down between my parted breasts and met his gaze, his eyes never straying from mine as he flicked his tongue rapidly over my clit and made me twitch in pleasure.

A loud pounding noise pulled me out of my fantasy and I opened my eyes, quickly stopping my vibrator from completing its task as I sat up, feeling my nearing climax slip away from me.

"Ziena? Are you in there?" Brent called through the door and I cursed quietly, clenching my jaw out of frustration.

Talk about a fucking mood killer!

"One second!" I yelled, sliding off my bed and opening the bottom drawer on the nightstand, quickly wiping off my toy with the towel I was lying on then tossing it in with the rest.

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