Chapter Five

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"So, mind telling what that thing at the party was all about?" Maya pressed. I scowled, grabbing my bowl of cereal and taking a seat across from her at the table.

"You've been asking me that everyday for a week now," I replied, hoping maybe that'll show her just how irritating she's being. Instead, she nodded as if she was proud and smiled.

"Because 'every day for a week now' your brother has been nagging me to figure out why you're acting weird, and why you're suddenly training with Alpha Kayden," she mocked, folding her arms and leaning forward, shooting me a knowing look.

I sighed, digging into my cereal and waving the spoon in the air as I covered my mouth to answer. "Don't tell me my brother filled you in on our entire life story from the moment we left to the moment we returned, because it sure as hell seems that way."

"What? You don't want me knowing about your weird little vow that you'd never become a victim to Alpha Kayden's fuckboy ways? Too bad, I already know. Brent filled me in on everything he knew," she rapidly tapped her fingers over the table, watching me take another bite of my cereal intently. "But I know there's something else you're not saying. I can feel it."

I knitted my eyebrows, analyzing her discomforting expression before accepting defeat once again. "Agh, don't tell Brent," I grumbled, leaning in and scanning the room to ensure we were alone. "Kayden's my mate."

In spite of the fact I was the only one eating, she choked.

"Ouch, girl! You poor thing," she coughed, flashing me a pitiful look and I shook my head roughly, pointing my spoon at her.

"Nu-uh, now this is what we're not going to do. I will not be accepting any pity. I have the entire situation under control, trust me," I said, finishing up my bowl with haste, then getting up and placing the empty dish in the sink. "I'll talk to you later, I'm going to be late."

"Late for what?" She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"The less you know the better," I retorted, jogging toward the doorway in the kitchen, yet halting in my tracks and whipping my head around to face her. "Oh, and Maya, please, please, please keep all this information on the low. Nobody can know," I told her, seeing her nod and smile before I turned and left the room.

Stopping by the hallway mirror, I fixed my fuzzy beanie and adjusted my hair comfortably, slipping on my gloves afterward to prevent my hair from becoming frizzy.

Why in the hell did he ask me to meet him outside? He couldn't have chose literally anything else? This past week, he had me doing the exact same thing—train with him, and I will say he made it a struggle to resist, but I managed. Now, it seems he's given up trying to seduce me with his sweaty body and has moved onto whatever the hell this is.

Shaking my thoughts, I left the house and stepped onto the front porch with caution due to the ice and looked around. He was nowhere in sight and I narrowed my eyes, taking no chances of falling down the stairs because he decided to scare me by grabbing onto the railing and slowly making my way down them.

"He wasn't kidding. You really are afraid of winter," Kayden mused and I stepped onto the ground, lifting my gaze to glare at him.

Where the hell did he come from? He was literally nowhere to be seen two seconds prior. He must be a magician because this man seriously just appeared out of nowhere.

He was leaning against a tree with a snide smirk, wearing a plain black long-sleeved shirt that hugged his body and a pair of regular jeans. How he wasn't freezing was beyond me, then I realized he grew up here and must be used to it—that, and he naturally runs hotter.

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