Chapter Seven

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Ziena's POV

My body felt like it was running through an earthquake and I opened my eyes in panic, pulling off my hat to see better. My eyes widened and I jolted back with a shriek when I saw I was face-to-face with Kayden. By doing this, I accidentally slammed my head into the corner, wincing loudly.

"Dude! What the fuck? You don't wake someone up with your face literally inches from theirs! Fuckin' A, you nearly gave me a heart attack," I sat up, rubbing my eyes and feeling over my clothes to ensure he didn't try anything while I was asleep.

"I figured that's what you wanted, it's the closest you're going to get to waking up next to me," he remarked, taking a harsh jab at my heart and I bit the insides of my cheeks.

I moved my gaze to the window and saw it was done snowing. The sun was shining brightly, so I got up and walked out. He ran after me and tried to grab my arm, but I jolted it just out of his reach and glared at him.

"You're just nothing but an arrogant bastard! Don't fucking touch me!" I snarled, starting my walk again until he shot his arm out and grasped my throat, forcing my body against the door to the wooden shed. He held me there with his hand, using his fingers to hold my jaw as he pushed his body against mine to keep me pinned.

"Don't touch you?" He asked in a low tone, a crooked smile forming over his lips as if he thought this was amusing. Then he leaned closer.

I whimpered at the pleasuring shocks it created, pushing myself harder against the cold wooden wall, wrongly expecting that it would've put distance between us. The tips of our noses brushed and he loosened his hold on my neck, pulling my bottom lip with his thumb.

"You know what I think?" He paused, slowly moving his hand down to my breast. I stiffened, immediately feeling my core tighten and throb. "I think you don't mean that," he whispered, trailing down my waist and up into my shirt.

I went much more tense, my eyes widening and the aching between my legs began to hurt at his closeness.

"You know n-nothi—" I inhaled sharply, feeling his cool fingers brush over my nipple and apply slight pressure, slowly groping my full breast in his palm.

I winced, my breathing becoming shallow as I felt a wetness sprout between my legs. His eyes darkened and he released a harsh exhale, his jaw tightening. Based on his reaction, I knew he smelt it, and at that moment, I couldn't care less.

His hand shaped so perfectly over my breast and I squirmed, feeling him squeeze and move his thumb over my hardening nipple. Each rub sent shocks of pleasure through me and I whimpered.

Our gazes met when I looked up and grabbed onto his shoulders, digging my nails into his flesh through the thin sleeves of his shirt. I closed my eyes with a gentle whine in pleasure, gasping upon feeling his warm lips press against my exposed neck and start kissing me down to the area I'm meant to be marked.

"Kayden," I breathed subconsciously, shuddering. He continued to kiss up my neck and along my jaw, mere inches from my lips before stopping.

I need release.

Unable to control myself, I crashed my lips onto his and he eagerly kissed back. The fireworks that went off inside me made my body tremble.

He hungrily welcomed his tongue into my mouth and I moaned softly, the sparks and tingles flying through my veins that left me in complete ecstasy.

"You taste better than I imagined," he groaned into my mouth and I pulled him impossibly closer.

"Bae, what are you doing?" A woman wailed.

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