Chapter Six

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Kayden's POV

'I thought I told you to check the weather before I brought her out to the training grounds,' I mind-linked Garret, clenching my jaw and glancing out the window she seemed so set on staring out of.

'I did, the weather was clear all day! I'm not sure where this is coming from. Are you sheltered? Do I have to send out warriors?'

'Don't bother. I don't want to risk any lives, we'll be fine until it clears,' I answered.

'Yes, sir.'

I closed off our link and felt my gaze fall on her. She was still standing by the window, staring outside with a frown over her lips and upturned eyebrows. Although it wasn't obvious, I saw right through her facade.

Her eyes were a darker, more violet, color than usual, and her pupils shrank from the brightness of the snow, revealing the worry swimming in her eyes. They darted around frantically, never once focusing on one specific thing which made her anxiety quite clear.

"It's not going to pass any faster if you just stand there and watch it," I commented, watching her step back from the glass and look at me. Her worried eyes replaced with hatred and she scoffed, ignoring my words by looking back out the window to spite me.

"It's getting darker," she stated and I moved closer, scanning her expression before moving my gaze out the window.

I've got to give it to her, she was doing a damn good job at pretending to be calm.

Suddenly, a bright flash of lightening struck followed by multiple screams and a loud boom of thunder. I furrowed my brows in confusion and slight surprise, squinting to see if I could find where it struck until my body was hit with a force and I stumbled back.

I raised my arms and looked down, my breathing halting in my throat and my body went tense. She had her face pressed into my chest and her body was curled into mine, her fists clutching the material over my abdomen tightly. I felt her trembling against me and clenched my jaw, then another blast of thunder shook the roof.

"Kayden!" She unexpectedly wailed, her shaken voice seeping with fear and her muscles tightened until the air silenced, her quaking body worsening and small weeps left her.

I didn't realize how bad her fear really was.

Slowly, I lowered my arms around her and let my eyes linger on the top of her beanie for a moment, shifting my line of sight to the window where I could no longer see any trees. The wind whistled loudly and my jaw remained tight, feeling her pull at my shirt for a better grip.

I raised my hand to cup the back of her head, lowering my other to secure around her shaking body. It was hard to tell whether it was strictly from fear or if she was cold.

'After everything, she still sought comfort in us. This is good. She can still be ours,' Blaze purred in content, speaking the calmest he's ever had.

'I don't want her like that, I don't want anyone like that,' I snarled.

"Why don't you lie down? I'll wake you when the storm passes," I spoke up, more discomfort itching in my veins the longer she held onto me and cried.

She released sluggishly, lifting her head and our eyes connected. Hers were bloodshot and puffy, causing more discomfort to flood through me and I awkwardly broke our stare, clenching my jaw even tighter.

I've never seen someone cry.

"Thank you," she sniffled, wiping at her eyes and cupping my face in her hands, then leaning on her tiptoes and pressing her smooth, warm lips to my cheek. I went rigid again, my eyes widening as she moved away and looked down at her gloves. "For helping me calm down," she whispered embarrassedly.

She went over to the slim bench and laid herself on it without another glance in my direction, pulling her hat over her eyes and balling up with another small sniffle. I stared at her, sincerely lost for words.

Did she just kiss me?

I took a seat on the floor, watching the flurries outside the window with racing thoughts. What she did kept replaying in my mind and I lifted one of my legs, resting my arm over my knee while I massaged the bridge of my nose.

After a few minutes, I dropped my hand and looked over at her. "Zeina?"

Silence was my only answer and my eyes ran over her body to see if she was ignoring me or if she was truly asleep.

I outlined her, trailing up from her legs to the curve over her hip, dipping down to the hoodie over her torso and up to her face.

She's so fucking hot.

Fidgeting in my spot, I adjusted the painful erection I grew through the thick material of my jeans when she kissed my cheek, it worsened when I gave her body a once over. Agitation nipped at me at how turned on I was from the simplest things.

With every other woman, we had to do serious foreplay and they had to touch me for a while, they were dripping before I even got semi-hard. With her, all I have to do is look at her mere existence and I'm so damn hard it hurts.

She'd be the only one I wouldn't use a condom on. I can just imagine how fucking tight and warm she'd feel constricting around my cock. I'm not certain I'd last as long being inside her.

All I wish is to spread her virgin cunt open and pound her so hard until she can't properly talk. I want her lips gripping onto me while I thrust every last inch into her. I want to make her the first woman I've stuck my raw dick in and pumped full of my cum... fuck.

Goddess, she's killing me.

I need to feel her warm body on my cock just once or else I swear I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

And I think I know exactly how to make that happen.

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