Chapter Nineteen

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I opened my eyes with a smile, feeling it slowly melt into a frown upon seeing an empty area next to me. My heart instantly clenched and I sat up, looking around the room frantically.

"Kayden?" I called, my eyes watering uncontrollably and my chest caved in, forcing me to gasp quietly just to breathe. Pain consumed my heart and coursed through my veins, making my body feel heavy.

"No," I exhaled, "no!" I repeated firmly, tugging at my hair to distract myself from the heartache.

I underestimated him. He tricked me by playing nice. How could I have been so stupid? I didn't think he'd be so rational with that hazed, sex hungry brain of his—definitely not enough to create a nice guy facade.

I can't stay here.

Sliding off the bed, I picked up my clothes and pulled them on one by one, scanning the room for my bra with my shirt in my hand. My eyes soon landed on it and I walked over, picking it up.

"You know what? Take your fucking prize, I don't want the reminder," I growled, throwing it onto his bed and sliding my shirt on. After, I left his room and headed to mine.

The second I reached the top of the stairs, I slammed into someone and it only turned my heartache into rage. The man stepped away and widened his eyes at me, then I glared once I realized it was only Garret.

"Woah, where on earth are you storming off to?" He asked.

Ignoring him, I continued on and entered my room, closing the door before walking into my closet and pulling out a bag.

I threw it on my bed and began scooping my clothes, throwing a bunch inside then rounding my bed and opening my nightstand where all my toys were. I grabbed them all and dropped them in, completely emptying the drawer and zipping my bag.

Once I was content, I threw on fresh sweatpants, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt, and shoes.

Finally, I threw my bag over my shoulder and left my room. The walk to the back door was agonizing due to the stares of many pack members, but I was also dreading the possibility of running into Kayden.

My feet quickened upon seeing the exit and I ran outside, coming to a horrific stop. It was snowing terribly and I nearly turned to go back in, but the stubbornness from my anger refused to let me, so I proceeded into the storm.

Kayden's POV

I ran my hands over my face, opening my eyes to stare down at the paper before glancing out the window. Snow was coming down hard and the sky was a lot darker than it should be.

'Don't sign it,' my wolf growled threateningly. My gaze averted back to the paper and I scanned the tiny paragraph, ignoring his words.

I, Alpha Kayden Wilde, hereby grant Ziena Hansley protection for a full 24 hours, and will not, under any circumstances, dismiss her place in my pack, The Blood Claw, until the concurred hours stated above are up. If the bind is not severed and the person stated has been outside pack lands for any longer than a month, the bind will sever itself. If both parties understand and agree that once a bind is severed, it cannot be undone, then the grantor and grantee shall proceed and apply their signatures over the dotted line below.

Sighing, I leaned back in my chair and opened my mind-link with everyone, turning in my chair to look back out the window.

'A snowstorm is about to start and I don't want anyone leaving the house until given my say so, even if it looks fine,' I ruled, closing off the connection before I was bombarded with responses, and switching to a one-on-one link with Garret. 'Bring Ziena to my office. Check my room,' I ordered, returning my gaze to the note on my desk.

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