Chapter Three

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Ziena's POV

"Oh, my God, is that you, Ziena?" I heard a voice from beside me and I glanced over, my smile faltering at the sight of Garret.

Ugh, anyone but him...

Scratch that, anyone but him or Kayden.

"You are a sight," he stole my smile, his eyes scanning me up and down. "You definitely put together well."

"Listen, I didn't come here to get insulted," I replied, moving my eyes over to Brent and his friend who were grinning nervously, very clearly uncomfortable with the growing tension.

"Uh, I—" Garret choked, redirecting my gaze to him. "I wasn't insulting you! You just look different! You never usually show off so much body. You always wear, like, sweatpants and hoodies and shit, so when people see something new, they tend to check it out," he nodded, then his face fell in realization. "Ah! I didn't—I'm not checking you out!"

"He was definitely checking you out," Brent's childhood friend, Maya, laughed.

"Gross. Just get away from me, dude," I grimaced, spinning around and walking away from him with an eye roll. I made my way over to the drink table, then poured myself a cup of fruit punch.

So much for socializing.

"Are you crazy, girl?" Maya suddenly appeared next to me and I squeaked in surprise, shifting my attention to her with furrowed brows.


"Totally blowing off Garret! He's the Beta, the next best thing to an Alpha, and you totally could've scored with him. You're crazy for giving that up," she stared at me in astonishment and I shrugged, looking down at the liquid in my cup.

I did because I'm stupidly waiting for my mate to change...

"No, no... Wait, are you virgin?" She whispered, her eyes widening.

"No," I deadpanned. She raised a brow in disbelief, folding her arms over her chest, and I growled in defeat. "Okay, fine, so what if I am? At least when I fuck myself I know I'll actually cum!" I snapped, accidentally letting it slip out louder than intended.

Her face turned red and I whipped my line of sight onto the guy next to us who was as still as a statue, staring at me with eyes as wide as walnuts.

"The fuck are you looking at?" I narrowed my eyes and he winced, taking off running into the crowd by shoving his way through and making people curse at him.

She let out a low whistle and laughed, her eyes trailing behind me and an abrupt gasp left her lips. "Oo! Alpha incoming!" She winked, grinning excitedly, and a dark blush tinted her cheeks. The color in my face drained.

"What?" I panicked, watching her nod behind me to signal where he was coming from and I bolted, not caring how obvious I was being trying to avoid him.

"Excuse me! Sorry!" I slipped between people, glancing over my shoulder to see him following and I quickened my pace. Annoyance washed through me when I noticed the people I had to forcefully slide by parted to make way for him.

I exited the house through the side door to avoid any type of stairs without regard for the negative degree weather, looking back for the second time to see if he was still following.

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