Chapter Eighteen

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We entered the house and he retracted his hand after feeling me step away, which then created tension. It was awkward for the first few steps. "I'll come find you tomorrow," he said.

Before I could find the confidence to answer, he was already several steps away and I didn't quite feel like yelling after him.

The further he went, the colder my chest felt, and a frown weighed my lips down. I stood in the same spot and watched him enter his room, never once looking back which intensified the miserable feeling in me.

I don't want him throwing this back in my face by the time spring rolls around. I can't just let him leave without spending the full two hours with me.

After a moment of contemplation, I began walking after him, slowing my stride each step closer I got to his door. It took me way longer than it should've to find the courage to knock.

He opened the door, revealing his half naked body, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise at my presence. I was equally as baffled, but for a totally different reason. I was not at all expecting him to have undressed the second he entered his room, leading me to regret the choice to chase after him.

"Our two hours aren't up. We made a deal," I folded my arms and he was still a moment longer, slowly stepping aside and allowing me to enter. I waltzed into his room with feigned confidence, knowing inside I was drowning in anxiousness over something unknown.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to watch a movie," he responded. I walked over to his bed and plopped down at the foot of it.

"Awesome. What movie? Is it at least an hour and a half long? That's all the time I still need to spend with you," I looked at him over my shoulder, my eyes following his figure as he closed the door, turned off the light, then walked over and laid himself down on the opposite side of the mattress.

"The Midnignt Howlers," he finally answered, picking up the remote and hitting play. I analyzed the bar on the bottom that showed he was only thirty-two seconds in the hour and twenty minute movie.

"Sounds eerie," I commented, hearing him scoff lightly behind me.

"You'd have to be a child to find this even remotely scary," he mocked, earning a scowl out of me that was hidden from his view. Neither of us spoke again once the opening credits and eerie music ended, the screen switching to a group of young adults at a party in the woods.

Right away, someone decided to leave the group and stray off alone in the dark. I became antsy when uncanny sounds faded in, yet I only grew invested to see what the killer would look like.

Hands wrapped around my body at the same time as the man in the movie was grabbed and I screamed, my body stiffening in terror as I was yanked back. My eyes landed on Kayden, that's when I remembered he was behind me and rolled to my side, hitting him in the chest with a growl.

"You fucking asshole!" I spat, catching the breath he stole from my lungs. He laughed, and I mean sincerely laughed, at me. The sexiness of it languished all annoyance I was feeling.

The television lit all the right features of his face and I stared, watching his laughter die down into the most handsome grin I've ever seen. No matter how hard I tried to look away, my eyes were glued even after he caught me staring.

This has to be the sexual tension that has me so drawn to him...

Or maybe I've fallen for him, and I'm about to see where I land: alone and cold in his bed or bundled and warm in his arms.

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