Chapter Eight

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Spitting out the mouthwash, I met my reflection's eyes and frowned. They were a dull lavender, no longer shining with happiness. Instead, they glistened in pain, appearing as though I was on the brink of tears when I knew I wasn't.

I think it's time I try to get some sleep, who knows what Kayden's going to try to drag me into tomorrow.

A knock startled me out of my head and I looked into my bedroom, waiting a moment to see if it was my brother, though he usually yells through the door. Another knock confirmed it wasn't and I made my way out of the bathroom.

My eyes flickered to the alarm clock on my nightstand that read two fifty-six in the morning and confusion consumed me. Who would be knocking at this hour?

I hesitantly approached and opened the door, my heart dropping to the furthest pits of hell at the sight of Kayden.

"We've already spent our time together," I said, withholding any sign of bitterness that I was feeling. However, just as I moved to shut the door, he shot his hand out and stopped me, causing my breathing to hitch in my throat.

What the hell does he want? I didn't know he knew where my room even was.

"Please, just go. I'm not in the mood," I added harshly, impatience heating my body with irritation as I lifted my line of sight to meet his.

"I'm just checking in on you. Admit it or not, you nearly had a heart attack in that storm earlier. Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes full of sincerity. I merely stared at him, completely speechless.

"I am," I answered, awkwardly shifting my gaze down to my matching cupcake pajama set and widening my eyes.

Oh, hell, this is humiliating.

"Wow," he randomly said.

I snapped my eyes back up and saw him staring into my room, all the lights and decorations reflecting in his beautiful eyes.

"You really go all out," he commented, not even asking to come in before pushing between me and the door, welcoming himself. This earned him a scowl, but he remained oblivious to it as he looked all around.

"Just come right in," I mumbled, closing the door and shaking my head to myself. A buzzing noise made me whip around and spot him holding one of my many sex toys, a horrified shriek leaving my mouth.

I ran over and ripped it out of his grasp, dropping it back in the drawer and slamming it closed with a growl. "You can leave now! I'm fine!"

"I knew you were spying on me earlier," he randomly announced, turning his body to grant me his full attention and our eyes met. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"I wasn't—"

"Ziena," he interrupted sternly.

Silence fell over us as we got lost in each other's eyes. Although, something unusual expanded in my chest at the same time his eyes flashed a royal blue, and my wolf's purrs compelled me to step closer.

"Enough of the lies. You want me, it's embedded into you, and earlier was a perfect example of that. These sensations of peace, warmth, security when we're close... It's our wolves urging us to come together after being apart for so long, why are you fighting it?" He asked.

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