Chapter Fifteen

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Ziena's POV

Another round of knocks pounded on my door with much more force and I frowned, turning the volume even higher on my television to block out whoever was on the other side.

If it's Kayden, he needs to leave me alone. I deserve to have one day to myself after what happened last night, especially since I woke up with a throbbing headache.

Because I drank, it was easier for my wolf to take over. Once she aroused the both of us, I was too turned on to care. I'm so damn angry at him for convincing me to hangout with them.

The door opened anyway and I jumped, looking over to see Brent and a growl left my lips as I raised the remote and muted the television.

"You haven't left this room all day. Maya is starting to ask about you and Kayden refuses to speak to her, so now I'm here to find out," he said, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes. "What the hell happened last night?"

"Bye," I turned away, burying my face in the pillows until he grabbed my shoulder and yanked me onto my back.

"A little birdie told me they overheard some questionable noises between you two in the locker room, Zee," he glared accusingly and I took the pillow, whacking him across the face with as much strength as I could muster up. His head flung to the side and I replaced the pillow under my head.

"Tell that little birdie to mind her own fucking business. I'm not a child," I snarled, throwing him a look over my shoulder upon feeling his stumped stare. "I know Maya told you, she's the only one out of that bunch that you talk to," I deadpanned.

"Ziena Rose Hansley, if you and Kayden—"

"Shut up about Kayden!" I yelled, sitting upright with a glare. "He's my mate regardless how you feel about him, you need to understand it's not that fucking easy for me to just tell him to fuck off for the rest of my life, alright? Just leave me the hell alone, I'm sick of you and everyone else breathing down my neck! Can't I just fucking relax for one damn day? Fuck!"

He stood in silence and I took composing breaths, dropping my head in my hands and rubbing my face roughly. The silence lasted what felt to be forever until he cleared his throat.

"You're right. I don't know what you're going through, I'm sorry," he said quietly, then shuffling was heard and the sound of the door opening and closing hit my ears.

Looking up, I saw I was alone and sighed, plopping myself back onto the bed to stare up at the ceiling. The television was still muted, causing the silence swarming me to feel deafening, yet my head was throbbing much worse.

Why do I feel so angry? Why do I feel so weird this morning?

Another knock pounded on my door and I groaned, sitting upright. "What the fuck do you—" my words were cut short when I saw a piece of paper slide under the door tied to a tiny bag full of what looked like purple gel pills.

Confused, I got up and walked over, picking up the items and moving the pills to the side to read the note.

Headache? Irritable? Feeling like something is unfulfilled? I figured as much. Take these.

I pulled the pills off of the paper and examined them, furrowing my brows then flipping the note around only to see more writing.

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