Chapter Two

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"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away! This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special," I sang, humming along to the next verse of the song as it continued to play over my television speaker.

I finished hanging multicolored Christmas tree lights around my window frame, smiling in content and taking a step back to analyze the room.

Lights were strung around my window, the television, each doorframe, and my dresser. I also hung a handcrafted candy cane on the outside of my door, changed my bedding, shower curtains, and regular curtains into Christmas theme.

Yes, I have a pair for every occasion.

I love decorating for the holidays, especially Christmas. I almost never leave my room because me and winter are a no go, so I just make my own winter wonderland. I also hate seeing all the happy mates getting cozy with each other.

That brings me to my next hatred—holiday parties.

This pack throws them yearly as tradition and I have yet to actually show up to any. I simply just hide away in my room where I'll be ignorantly happy, decorating 'til my heart's content.

To put it in simpler words, I love the decorating, yet hate what motivates it.

"I'm coming in!" A voice called through the door and I blinked back to reality, lifting my line of sight just when the door opened and in walked Brent holding a cup of what smells to be alcoholic eggnog.

He closed the door behind him and skimmed the room with his eyes, nodding with a smile. "Looks good, Zee."

I nodded, unable to force a smile on my lips. He looked at me as if he sensed it, his smile falling into a frown. "Whatever's bothering you, you can tell me, you know. You've been acting strange since we got here and haven't said a word about it. I'm your brother, you can trust me."

"I just miss mom and dad," I lied partially, plopping down on my bed and pausing the music on my television.

I do miss them because they're my parents, except that's not what's wrong. I've coped with it. They've been dead for ten years.

He leaned against my dresser and sighed. "Listen, I know this particularly isn't what you want to hear, but I truly believe going to the party and socializing will do you good. You shouldn't be alone if you're feeling down, certainly not during the holidays either."

Yeah, as if that'll help. If anything, it'll only make everything worse. My problem is the one hosting the party.

"You don't have to listen to me, but I'll say it anyway. Don't let whatever it is stop you from living your life," he said, taking a sip of his drink then exiting my room without another word. Before the door closed, I vaguely heard the music from the ball room and my frown deepened.

I stood up and went over to my closet, opening the door, turning on the light, then reaching in the far back to grab the dress that I bought before moving back here.

I was actually going to go to the Christmas party this year, which is why I bought it, until I met my whore of a mate and plans changed. I've always kind of been the outcast of the pack since I was a little girl, therefore it never bothered me to stay in anyway.

My brother is right though, I can't let him ruin my life.

Christmas party, here I come.

Kayden's POV

"Touch me and you'll regret it," I snapped, shooting a glare over my shoulder at Veronica who stood stiffly in her spot with her hand frozen in mid-air, mere inches from my arm.

"Are you okay, babe? You seem tense," she frowned, placing her hand over my bicep and groping the muscle, completely ignoring my words. Her hand looked tiny in comparison, even with her long, painted fingernails.

She moved closer, giggling in my ear. Her other hand snuck beneath the counter I was leaning on. My jaw clenched when she groped my flaccid dick through my jeans, making it gradually harden the more she rubbed it. "I can help you relax," she purred quietly.

'I'm so sick of your bullshit! Get that whore off! Only mate can touch us!' My wolf, Blaze, growled at me. I was surprised to hear from him, considering he hasn't talked to me since the day we found out.

My jaw increasingly tightened and I grabbed her wrist, glaring daggers into her now wide eyes. I strengthened my hold on her frail bone with the intention to break it slow and painfully. Then, my senses were consumed by the most intoxicating scent.

I snapped my neck to look at the doorway in time to see Ziena step into the room, smiling brightly in awe. Her admiring eyes twinkled under the color changing lights draped around the walls.

"Holy shit," I exhaled mindlessly, mesmerized, and all previous thoughts and feelings I just had went out the window.

Her full, heart-shaped lips were coated with crimson red lipstick, which was covered with a glittery gloss that made her sparkling teeth stand out. And her long, curled, mascara covered lashes aided her crimson smile by bringing out her bright lavender eyes.

Her shiny, scarlet hair was pulled back on the top of her head, flowing down her back and ending just before reaching the slimmest point in her torso. It swayed side-to-side each step she took. She held her head high, making her way toward her brother. Little did she realize, half the room stopped to stare.

Her sexy body was hugged by a white dress also covered in sparkles that enhanced the brightness. As much as I was blinded by it, I simply couldn't take my eyes off her.

The material ended on her mid-hand with a hole just for her thumb, shielding her flawless, olive skin up to her shoulders where it ended, revealing her slightly protruding collarbone before being hidden by the thick strip in the center.

The fabric wrapped around her neck like a choker that I wanted to replace with my hand, moving straight down the middle of her chest and blocking any amount of cleavage she might've had, expanding around her body just below her underarms.

I followed it down her waist and over her wide, round hips only to find it ended on the middle of her thick, toned thighs. Inches down, she had black boots pulled over her knees. The cloth-like material molded around her slim calves, thinning near her ankles. The heels of the boots held her up an extra three inches, ultimately making her legs look longer—sexier.

I've never seen something so revealing and so formal at the same time. It felt like I was already staring at her naked body, but I was never farther from it.

She stopped next to her brother and his friend, turning to engage in their conversation. Her movement showed off her plump, bubble butt, and I saw the dress was stretched to capacity, straining the threads holding it together. It looked as if they would snap any given moment and the thought made my cock twitch.

Fuck, I want to rip that dress into shreds and stick my dick deep inside her warm, tight folds.

I blinked repeatedly, forcing my gaze onto the counter with a harsh shallow. My jeans suddenly felt too constricting and my erection twitched again, slowly starting to ache being trapped beneath my tight clothing.

That's when I came to the realization I was no longer holding onto Veronica. I was standing alone and she was nowhere in my sight.

Thank God.

My eyes then shifted over the crowd and I found Ziena in the same spot, still looking as enticing as ever and my craving for her intensified.

Keep running from me, my sexy little mate.

I love a good chase.

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