Chapter Ten

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I stepped back from the water and licked my lips, signaling down at the refreshing liquid for him. He stared at me, shaking his head before turning away and waiting for me to follow.

Trotting to his side, we began walking away from the pond until a strange feeling burned my flesh.

My fur suddenly felt too thick, making me walk slower than usual to cool myself. He noticed and slowed, tilting his head in confusion to which I simply brushed him off.

We continued on and I remained by his side, for some reason totally convinced he would help if something were to happen.

'We're starting heat,' Ariel said strain-fully, then another blast ran through me and I stumbled to another halt.

Oh, no.

No, no, no...

I totally forgot heat starts days after kissing your mate. If you do not get marked within that time, you'll go into heat and it'll force you to.

I completely forgot I kissed Kayden.

He stopped walking and turned to me, his face contorting into confusion and I forced myself to keep going. We started walking again, only this time I began jogging in order to get to the house faster.

'Why can't he smell us?' I questioned.

'Because we're not aroused, others can only smell us if we're aroused. Heat only boosts our sex drive and scent, it does not make us horny with no explanation. It's the equivalent to human ovulation, except stronger. If we get turned on, our arousal will smell much stronger.' Ariel replied.

Releasing a breath, I looked down at my paws as we jogged through the crunching snow. My mind kept compelling me to look at Kayden, but I fought the urge to prevent myself from finding something to get turned on by.

After what felt like hours, I lifted my head and saw we were approaching the pack house. Relief seeped into me and I wasted no time running directly to the shed.

I shifted back and put my now freezing clothes on, exiting when I slid my slippers over my feet and ran toward the stairs.

Kayden was still in wolf form, standing at the bottom with a scrunched face. He watched me charge up the icy steps with a death grip over the railing, my feet slipping all over, but I moved too fast, and far too desperately, that I actually managed to make it to the top without falling.

Without stopping or looking back, I ran inside, passing several people. Some cursed at me for nearly knocking them over, while others dived out of my way once they saw my determination and focus.

I came up on the next flight of stairs and ran up, skipping two steps at a time and making it to my room within seconds. I then closed the door with a loud exhale.

My feet led me into my bathroom and I slid my pants off. That's when a surge of heat consumed me and my body keeled over the first thing I touched, which was my bathroom counter.

"Agh! Fuck!" I winced, clenching the sink again as another jolt of searing heat shot through me.

I looked up at myself in the mirror with a grimace when a third wave of heat hit and I hunched over again. My eyes trailed over to my electric toothbrush and my core throbbed, thoughts of inserting the handle into me made my legs press together and a small grunt left my mouth.

I averted my eyes and saw my arms were now glistening under the bright LED lighting. A curse left my lips and I raised my line of sight to the mirror, watching my eyes flash between bright lavender and dark violet.

What I do remember is that this isn't sweat, this is a beacon of my arousal specifically for attracting my mate. I've heard it tastes better than anything you could ever imagine, but only for your fated mate.

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