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"Are all Alpha's and Luna's here? May we start?" The Werewolf King stood from his chair and scanned the room, smiling warmly at everyone. "Alright, I think we're ready. Firstly, I want to personally thank you all for coming on such short notice; we have lots to discuss regarding the new regulations I've decided to pass."

I leaned back on Kayden, resting my head in the crook of his neck as he held me tighter to his chest.

"How long is this meeting?" I asked quietly.

"It just started, little wolf," he smiled, glancing up at the couples who shot us dirty looks for talking.

I frowned, squirming over his lap in an attempt to stay quiet and be patient. My body was growing antsy and I couldn't handle it anymore, so I leaned closer and ran my hand down his chest.

"But I'm horny," I whispered low enough so nobody else could hear.

He went rigid beneath me, his fingers tugging at the end of my skirt, and I could feel him struggling to refrain from throwing me on the table in front of us.

'Are you wearing underwear?' He mind-linked in reply. I shook my head discretely, unable to focus enough to mind-link. 'We're in the back, nobody will know if you're quiet,' he added, slowly reaching under me to undo his pants.

I moved slightly to give him better hand room, fluffing the skirt out to cover his dick when he slipped it through the hole in his boxers and between his pants zipper.

Slowly, I lifted myself off his lap by leaning on the table, then lowered my wet entrance over his stiff cock. My legs trembled at the initial feeling of being stretched, and I leaned back, twisting my legs to dangle off the side of the chair for a more comfortable position. This made a few couples glance at us, oblivious to what was going on beneath the thin fabric of my skirt, and it made my pussy throb around him.

Neither of us moved for a while to avoid drawing anymore attention, letting his erection soak in my warm and wet folds. He twitched inside me every so often, and I rolled my hips a bit, teasing the both of us with the tiniest movements.

He couldn't take the tease and began making small strokes. His cock never left me, but it still massaged my walls, and I closed my eyes to focus on staying calm so nobody in the room could sense my arousal and excitement.

He caressed my hair and pulled me down to lie on his shoulder, adjusting my skirt, then fastening his thrusts.

Everything the Werewolf King was saying fell on deaf ears, as I was simply too lost in pleasure to hear what he was saying. Kayden stroking my hair in a soothing manner did nothing to help.

In times like these, I'm glad he knots because neither one of us can exactly reach down and stimulate me as easily. His knot puts so much pressure on my g-spot that I end up cumming from strictly that. It's such an intense orgasm, too, especially when we sneak around like this.

We both can agree that the risk of getting caught intensifies the pleasure and makes us cum so fast, but I don't mind because we always end up making up for it when we get to our bedroom.

I constricted around him, and he tugged my hair lightly, his thighs flexing, and his strokes came to a halt when his cock began swelling. It was nearly impossible to keep myself from fidgeting or making noise, but I somehow kept myself from doing either.

He emptied his balls in me, mastering a straight face in front of the room while squeezing me against him. I started grinding his knot and immediately felt my body overcome with heat, my muscles tightening, and I tried to mask my orgasm as he held me still.

"Is she alright, Alpha Kayden?" The Werewolf King suddenly asked, dragging everyone's attention onto us, and I mentally cursed for being incapable of hiding my climax.

"Yes, she's just tired after the long flight. Thank you for the concern, Mr. Valdor," Kayden replied calmly, earning a small smile from the King, who then proceeded with his spiel. Everyone else returned their attention to him, leaving us unsupervised once more.

He held me like that until his swelling went down, then I moved just enough for him to slide out of me and put away his softening cock. Instantly, I felt his semen gradually come down and leak out, oozing between my thighs, and I smiled at the feeling.

He's all mine.

"I love you," I whispered, looking up at him. He looked at me, hooking my chin with his index finger and pulling me in for a kiss.

"I love you, too," he whispered against my lips, pulling away to smile at me.

I curled up into him and he cupped the side of my head, lying me back down on his shoulder. Then we finally decided to start listening in on the meeting.

At some point, my eyes migrated over, and I stared up at his face, admiring his side profile from my spot on his shoulder with a cheeky smile. I always feel content lying in his arms, no matter where we are or what we're doing, because we're now bonded for life.

My eyes fell onto the marking tattooed on his neck, and my hand instinctively rose to mine, where I ran my fingers over the smooth skin and smiled wider at the memory.

He thrusted me up the wall, my ass clapping against his thighs loudly, and I clawed at his back, yanking his hair with a growl. Tears streamed down my face, and our bodies glistened in sweat, yet he continued to plow into me, hard.

"Oh, yes!" I screamed out, a guttural growl roughening my tone, and he moaned.

"I'm going to mark you, my dirty slut," he groaned, kissing along my neck and I threw my head back, closing my eyes just as he sunk his canines into me, and I cried out in ecstasy.

Coming out of the memory, I placed my hand on his chest and held his shirt with a lingering smile, my cheeks beginning to ache from the strenuous muscle use, and my eyes fluttered closed.

I do know one thing...

If I had to do it all again, I would've fucked him from the start.


Author's Note

...that was an intense ride.

And guys, I sincerely apologize if this felt wonky, rushed, or unfulfilling for all the wrong reasons!

I've just started my second job and I'm drowning with literally no time to relax and write. I'm doing what I can, so if this was a total let down the last few chapters, I'm so sorry!

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you gave my work a chance!

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