Chapter Eleven

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I tiredly opened my eyes, squinting in the dark room to find the clock. My gaze landed on the nightstand and read the time, seeing it was one in the morning.

Yawning, I flipped to my other side and felt my eyes flutter close. Something warm draped around me and I smiled, then my eyes shot open when I finally realized I was no longer in my room where I vividly recall falling asleep after my shower.

"Kayden!" I screamed, throwing myself back at the sight of his sleeping figure.

He jolted awake from my shriek with wide royal-blue eyes and panic etched into his features. His wolf was in full control until his focus settled on me, then his eyes shifted to their natural aqua color and his tense posture slumped slightly.

"What the fuck? The stupidest thing you can do is startle an unsuspecting, vulnerable Alpha," he breathed in obvious relief, rubbing his face in attempt to calm his wolf.

"Why did you bring me in here? I'd rather sleep in my own bodily fluids than in a bed that's probably infested with a bunch of other women's," I glared at him and he looked at me, his jaw tightening and a strange glint burned in his eyes.

"No woman has ever been in my bed," he said in a firm, deadly tone that made me falter.

I anxiously swallowed the forming lump in my throat, utterly taken aback by his abrupt seriousness. He totally threw me off just now.

"You, Ziena, are the only woman who's ever made it through that doorway," he added, no signs of playfulness displayed over his expression and my heart began to race, a deep heat filling my face under his death stare.

Is he seriously gaslighting me right now?

A nervous laugh escaped my lips. "Kayden, I know you've slept with several women, you can't trick me into—"

"I assure you none of them have been in my bed, Ziena," he said louder, growing anger lacing his words, and his stern tone pricked holes into my throat that immediately silenced me.

Tension swarmed us and we held eye contact, which only lasted a few seconds before I dropped my head to avoid the sharp look in his eyes, clenching my eyelids to hold back tears.

Why am I feeling so emotional right now?

His hand unexpectedly came in gentle contact with my jaw and lifted my chin, causing me to open my eyes and reconnect with his softening ones. His thumb softly caressed my face, and the tension in the air thinned into nothingness.

"You are the only woman," he repeated lightly. My heart skipped a beat and I felt the familiar butterflies from earlier strongly urging a smile to take over my lips that I withheld.

This is bad.

This is very bad.

"It's only for tonight. I'll have your mattress and bedding cleaned and ready for you tomorrow," he said, releasing my face before lying back. I watched him turn to his side, feeling my stomach do flips and my heart flutter.

Incapable of forming coherent words to respond, I merely laid down with my back facing his, and the smile that has been fighting for its place on my lips had finally taken over.

This deal just got a whole lot more complicated.


My waist felt like it was being crushed and I opened my eyes, looking down to find his arm wrapped around my torso as though I'd escape if he were to loosen his grip. The muscle definition along his arm made my waist seem tiny and I knew for certain I was not getting out of his hold without his knowledge.

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