Chapter Four

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I raised my hand to knock on his office door, fearing what will come after what happened last time. My hand didn't make it to the wood when I heard him call me to enter, so I hesitantly walked in and was relieved to see he was alone.

"Garret said you wanted to see me," I said, struggling to maintain myself as his eyes looked me over, most likely undressing me in his mind.

"Yes. I've decided we will be training together," he responded, standing up from his desk and rounding it on his way over. I instantly grew tense seeing his bare torso, but I was sure to keep it from being known.

"Of course you did. You just want to see my sweaty, minimally clothed body," I scoffed, my agitation rising at the smirk that hung the corner of his lips.

"Maybe," he suddenly had me by the neck, yanking me closer until his face was the only thing in my view. "Or maybe it's so you could see mine," he added in a whisper, a low, seductive chuckle leaving his throat.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I felt myself panic slightly, knowing that's what I feel just before becoming aroused.

It appears I have to up my masturbation to more than two times a week if I'm going to be around him every day.

His hold was gone in a second and he opened the door for me. I was still a bit fogged by our closeness that I simply walked out. However, I realized my mistake and spun on my heel, catching his hand from making contact with my ass inches away.

"You'll never touch me like that, only in your dreams," I snarled, shoving his hand back and he narrowed his eyes into mine.

He said nothing as he continued on, heading toward the door to the basement and leaving me with the scrumptious view of his bare back. Images of lying under him while I ran my nails down it made me clench my jaw and fidget, quickly shaking my head to think of something else.

This is going to be a long day.



I growled angrily. "Listen here, Einstein! I've never fought a day in my life! Fuck off! This is stupid!"

"If you do it right, it won't be so frustrating. Let me show you," he said calmly.

I opened my mouth to decline and start cursing him out, yet my words suddenly piled up in my throat and left me mute when I felt his arms wrap around me from behind, his hands grasping my tight fists and his hot body pressed into my back.

I closed my eyes, focusing on keeping my breathing steady as my brain decided to lose focus on everything except for his well-toned muscles. The only things separating our skin was the thick material of my hoodie and the tank top I wore underneath, even then I felt every outline through it.

He slowly used his fingers to pull at mine and loosen my balled fists, leaning down until his lips brushed over my ear.

"Keep a loose fist up to the point you throw the hit," he explained in a hushed tone. I felt his chest vibrate against my shoulders, his deep voice forcing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand as chills scoured my body.

"Now try," he released me, moving to stand behind the punching bag while I blinked myself back into the situation.

I locked my gaze onto the red circle in the center, adjusting my stance and tucking my arms close to my sides to keep better control, exactly the way he's been telling me. Then I threw a right hook into it, twisting my torso to give it more power, and my muscles from the waist down tightened to keep me firm in my spot. I physically felt the increase of power in that hit compared to the others.

"Again," he demanded. I mindlessly obeyed, hardly having time to compose myself before throwing a quick left hook.


I threw a straight punch.


I threw punch after punch, alternating arms rapidly. Low grunts left my mouth and I felt the sweat beads from struggling race down my forehead, my messy bun bouncing on the top of my head and trapping in so much heat, which only made me sweatier.


I brought my knee up and rammed it into the bag.

"Dodge, then swing."

I dropped into a squat, pushing back up with a punch.


I spun around and kicked the bag, dropping my leg to the floor afterwards to recollect myself. Exhaustion overwhelmed me quickly and I panted for air, my heart raced, and I grew lightheaded, realizing I've never pushed myself so hard in one setting before. I've sparred a few times throughout my life, but nothing this exerting.

"I can't," I wheezed, grabbing the bottom of my hoodie and pulling it off.

It hardly did any good cooling me down and I didn't even have to look to know my tank-top was soaked, leaving only a few dry patches throughout the entire fabric. I physically felt my sweat absorbing into the sports bra beneath it and my spandex leggings, making my clothes feel sticky and uncomfortable.

I backed myself into the wall a few feet away to help me stand, heaving for air as I leaned my head against the cool cement and closed my eyes. The cold wall felt absolutely amazing on my flushed body.

"Fuck," I heard him exhale and muffled shuffling followed, though it was hard to hear through the loud, rapid heartbeat in my ears. "I've never seen you wearing so little..."

I opened my eyes, pushing myself further into the wall upon seeing him standing over me, his arm on the cement next to my head. He leaned in, his eyes staring at my parted lips while I continued to catch my breath.

"Why do you hide yourself?" He whispered, bringing his other hand up, grabbing my jaw, and forcing me to stare him dead on. I met his eyes and closed my mouth in case he began to convince himself it was an invitation, my harsh breaths returning to their normal rhythm.

"You have such a sexy..." he brushed his lips over my cheek as he moved closer, trailing his hand down my collar.

"Smooth..." he pressed his lips to my neck, growling approvingly. I bit my cheeks, withholding any pleasurable noises.

"Mature body..." he grabbed both straps on one of my shoulders, pushing them downward toward my bicep.

I snapped myself out of his attempt to seduce me and shoved him off while he was distracted, pulling my straps back up with a growl.

"I'm not them," I snarled. "I'm me, and you just simply can't fucking stand that. I'll never be them."

I grabbed my hoodie and started walking away, not once changing my pace to turn around as I kept moving forward, my line of sight fixated on the stairs leading me out of here.

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