Chapter Sixteen

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He abruptly stood from his chair and rounded the desk, making my eyes widen when I realized he was targeting me.

"Kayden, wait!" I wailed, crawling away from his advancing figure in an attempt to find the way onto my feet before he could reach me. "I didn't mean literal—" a scream left my mouth feeling his strong arms scoop me off the couch and flip me to my back in his embrace.

"Relax, Ziena, you're so stiff," he flashed his infamous smirk and I looked away, avoiding his eyes by looking anywhere else. He continued to carry me down the hall, but my heart dropped when my roaming gaze found my brother at the end of the hallway speaking to Maya—both still oblivious to our presence in the hall.

"Oh, my God, put me down!" I whisper-yelled, smacking his chest with my eyes locked on the two. He proceeded and I panicked, squirming in his grasp in hopes I'll break free before they see.

Brent will give me an earful if he saw the way Kayden was carrying me. This position will always look so much worse than it really is, and I'm so not in the mood to be listening to his lectures.

"Kayden!" I whispered harshly, not knowing what else to do as we got closer, so I reached down and smacked him in the dick.

He cursed and released me. I fell out of his embrace and shrieked, realizing I did not think that through very well on my way toward the floor, face first.

Before I made contact with the carpet, an arm hooked around my stomach and forced a grunt to leave my mouth due to the sudden pressure on my lungs. I recognized the arm as Kayden's and looked up, spotting Brent and Maya staring at us.

This is better than the way he was holding me, but I would've much rather hit the floor than be caught touching him at all.

He then yanked me up and my back slammed into his chest. His arm tightened around my torso and he leaned in, grazing his lips over the side of my face.

"You naughty little wolf," he chuckled quietly, his tone sultry and deep. A shiver ran through me under the warmth of his lips, his hot breath soaking into my hair. "I think you already know I'm not going to let that slide," he whispered.

I opened my mouth to answer, but the only sort of noise that escaped my lips was a speechless breath of air. My eyes fluttered closed and I fought the tingles between my legs.

"She looks uncomfortable, let her go," Brent's voice freed me from Kayden's hold and I opened my eyes, stumbling away from him. My eyes bounced between the two at the deadly stare off they shared, a feeling of anxiousness creeping up my spine as the silence progressed into tension.

"What did you just say?" Kayden threatened, narrowing his eyes, and I watched his irises continuously flash between a royal blue and his natural color.

"I'll dumb it down for you: keep your fucking hands off my sister," Brent spat through clenched teeth. Horror consumed me and I widened my eyes, my mouth falling slightly agape at the stupid words that just flowed out of my brother's mouth.

Kayden's eyes darkened and he clenched his jaw. Hardly a second passed before Brent collapsed to the floor with a pained yell, clutching his skull. "Fuck!" He shouted, visibly struggling to fight his mental command.

"You will not disrespect me, Brent Hansley," he snarled, "remember who you're talking to, mutt."

Brent grunted, winced, and quivered from his spot on the floor and my chest tightened, my eyes darting between the two as panic filled me. I wanted to intervene, except I was afraid he'd react the same way to my disrespect. He may not be able to force me into submission like everyone else, but there are many other ways to punish. He doesn't care that I'm his mate.

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