Chapter Seventeen

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"Kayden," I broke away from him, putting my hand up to block him from trying to kiss me anymore and unraveling my legs from him. He caught the hint and stepped back, allowing me to fall to my feet with a lustful glint in his eyes that suddenly overshadowed with guilt.

"I shouldn't have kissed you," he stepped back, his jaw tight, and I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry," his voice strained through the words, leaving me astonished.

What? Did the Kayden Wilde just apologize? And did he just apologize for being a sex crazed fuckhead? Am I going insane?

He started walking and I stood in my spot, watching him with narrowed eyes until he stopped and turned around. Instead of questioning it, I walked over to his side and followed him out the door.

He didn't hesitate walking down the stairs. As for me, I reluctantly began stepping on what looked to be the least snowy areas. But of course, my foot hit ice and I shrieked, soaring straight for his back the same way I did walking behind Brent on the day of our return.

"Falling!" Was the only word that left my mouth before I crashed into him. His body was like a brick wall, not even faltering upon impact.

I groaned, almost thankful for his huge stature. If it weren't for the fact my body felt like it just shattered, I would've been ecstatic that he put an end to my fall.

"What happened to inside activities?" I asked, stepping on the ground behind him then moving back to his side to continue the conversation.

"I won't let anything happen. I got you," he said, placing his hand on the small of my back, which caused me to choke on my next words.

I quickly looked away from him, blushing intensely due to the butterflies swarming my stomach. My mind was hyper-focused on the feeling of his hand on my back, it gave me a strange sense of safety that compelled me to step closer to him. Our sides brushed every other step and I couldn't control the smile that sprouted across my lips.

Think of something that'll upset you! He can't see how he affects us!

"Out of all the girls you fucked, what position did you like doing the most and why?"

Really, Ziena? That's all you could think of? Why are you showing interest in his sex life?

My smile fell and I grimaced after my own words ran through my brain, mentally facepalming at the embarrassed blush that burned every area of my face. God, kill me.

"Anything that wasn't face-to-face," he answered after a moment. "I only ever bent them over a table or let them on top for some reverse cowgirl. I feel like being face-to-face surpasses just a quick fuck, that's where it turns into love-making and becomes emotionally bonding. Besides, I like to think about other women if she's ugly. I wouldn't be able to do so with her face right in front of mine."

My heart clenched in pain, yet I swallowed the lump in my throat and decided to dig deeper. "You don't kiss them during?"

"Fuck no. I only kiss them for foreplay, all I need is to get the both of us aroused. We makeout to fuck, not because I like it," he shook his head like I asked an idiotic question, and my chest felt heavy as a sick feeling churned in me, resulting in my eyes to water. Although, I merely chalked it up as how cold the wind felt ripping through me.

Was that all he saw every time he kissed me? Was that his way of trying to seduce me?


"What are you trying to show me exactly?" I asked, scanning the area ahead of us in search of something in the distance. "If it's on the other side of this pond, you just wasted your time because I'm not crossing this death trap."

"We're not crossing it," he replied.


"I'm teaching you how to walk on ice."

"Wait, what?" I deadpanned, snapping my head to face him with raised brows. I know he didn't just say that.

"I'm not repeating myself," he stated, completely unbothered.

"You're high," I laughed humorlessly, spinning on my heel to leave.

He shot his hand out to the center of my chest and stopped me in my tracks, "I don't think so," he said, pulling me to stand in front of him. "We're doing this one way or another, Ziena."

I scoffed, folding my arms. "Oh, yeah? Well, let me tell you something, Kayden, I'm not going on that sheet of ice and there's no way you're going to make me."

He blinked, raising a brow with a bored expression displayed on his face. Then suddenly, he spun me around and pushed me onto the ice.

I went sliding and flailed my arms aimlessly, my feet moving rapidly as if they were going to catch traction. He stood on the side, watching me make a complete mess of myself.

"Stop leaning and stand upright," he said. I, desperate to avoid falling, straightened my back and felt my balance increase drastically. "Now give your feet some space. The reason you're falling is because you're too afraid to move your feet any further than a foot apart."

I let my feet drift and noticed I was standing entirely still. A huge grin found my face and I lifted my line of sight from my feet to his face, excitement surging my veins.

"I did it! Kayden! I did it! Oh, my God!" I breathed.

"Not quite. You need to make it back to me," he shot down my excitement with realization and I frowned, nervousness raining over me within seconds.

"I can't," I whispered.

"You can," he said confidently.

I shook my head, lowering my gaze to the ice under me. "I can't do it," I swallowed harshly. "I'm stuck. I need your help. What if another storm comes? I'm stuck, I-I'll—"

"Ziena, look at me!" He demanded, dragging my eyes up to meet his. "You can," he added firmly.

I took in a shaken breath and slowly moved my feet, quickly figuring out where to place my feet and how to go about it. After only a minute or two, I neared the snowy ground and lunged for stability. He caught me in his arms and I clutched onto him, my heart pounding loud and rapidly in my chest.

My massive grin returned after realization of what I had just done and I threw my arms around him, laughing loudly.

"I didn't fall!" I squealed, feeling him wrap his arms around me before we pulled back to look at each other. His lips twitched upward into a tiny smile and I felt myself fall victim to it.

A relaxing silence fell on us and I cleared my throat, forcing myself to avert my gaze from his captivating smile. "Uh, sorry," I pushed out of his arms, putting a few feet between us. "I know it's such a stupid thing to cheer about, but thank you—genuinely. Severely hurting myself on ice has been one of my biggest fears since I was little. And with what happened to my parents, my irrational fear worsened. It's stupid, I'm sorry for just throwing myself on you like some fan girl. I wasn't thinking."

"If it was stupid, I wouldn't have taken time out of my day to bring you here. Granted I expected a much longer day, but that just means you don't have to spend as much time with me," he answered, placing his hand on the small of my back for the second time as we started walking in the direction we came.

I glanced at him and smiled slightly, feeling the butterflies from earlier come flying back in through my airways in a swarm, leaving behind warm tingles which connected to the ones radiating from his hand and tickled my spine.

Your heart's in the right place. You aren't a bad man, Kayden. Just a lost one.

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