Chapter Twenty

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Ziena's POV

My legs trudged through the knee-high snow for what felt like forever, nothing but the whistling wind hitting my ears until faint talking fell over me and I froze.

Fuck! I forgot Kayden's patrolling warriors! This must mean I'm nearing the end of his territory.

"There's a rogue!" One of them yelled.

Relief washed over me and I started walking again, until my body was suddenly taken down into the sea of snow and my bag flew out of my arms, a loud yell escaping me.

I felt my wrists burn excruciatingly when the man tied what I could only assume was silver around them. "You are coming with us for trespassing, any complaints can be taken up with the Alpha."

"Get off of me, you idiot! I'm not trespassing, it's quite the opposite! You're making a fucking mistake! When Kayden sees what you're doing to me, you'll regret it!" I snarled, struggling beneath him as he finished tying my hands together, grabbing my forearm, and yanking me up.

"You think you mean something to him, dirty rogue?" He scoffed, causing me to fall silent in realization.

I never went through the steps to reclaim my spot in this pack.

I am a rogue.

"Kayden!" I screamed uselessly, ripping out of his hold and running off in the direction I just came from.

Another shriek left my mouth when the man grabbed me by the hair and yanked me to a stop. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" He growled, narrowing his eyes at me, then looked up as the other man approached, holding my opened bag and one of my toys with a smirk.

"You're one nasty little rogue. I'm sure the Alpha will love to meet you," he chuckled and the blonde holding me grinned suggestively.

"I promise you, I'm not just a rogue! Take me to him and we will all feel his wrath! Just be wise and let me go!"

"Are you threatening me?" The blonde growled, his angry face inches from mine. I widened my eyes.

"No, I'm sorry! Please, guys, I swear to the Goddess I'm leaving!" I replied in exasperation.

They shared looks and I felt hope sprout, however, it was quickly shattered when he released my hair only to grab hold of my bicep, dragging me in the direction of the pack house.

I fought and fought, only accepting my defeat by the time we entered the front doors, feeling my breathing turn harsh in anxiousness and exhaustion.

Before I knew it, we came up on the familiar office door and I had no time to compose, or prepare, myself for what I was about to endure. The warrior pulled me inside behind him without waiting and shoved me to the floor in front of Kayden's desk.

"This dirty rogue was just roaming the outskirts of the land, Alpha. This was all she had on her," the brunette tossed my bag carelessly next to me.

There was prolonged silence and the curiosity became too much for me to bear, so I lifted my head only to instantly meet his dark gaze from over the desk.

In this moment, my heart must've shattered, yet rebuilt itself using his amazing scent. His eyes were full of anger and I felt a huge weight compress into my chest.

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