Chapter Twenty-One

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I inhaled sharply, shuddering in excitement and turning my body to straddle him. He stared at me with a hungry, predatory glint in his eyes and I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, placing my other on his chest and firmly massaging him through the fabric. Our eyes were locked and the fire between us burned hotter.

"I degraded you," I whispered, a taunting smile crossing my lips. "What are you going to do about it?"

He snaked his fingers through my hair and pulled me in, connecting his lips with mine aggressively. I moaned, and he averted his hands to my lower body, effortlessly lifting me off his lap and placing me over the edge of his desk. I groaned into his mouth as he reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, letting his clothes fall down his legs.

He slid in me, placing my ankles on his shoulders and leaning forward, immediately resorting to quick, rough thrusts. With my feet above our heads and my body angled upward, he achieved deeper penetration and sped up.

I dug my nails into his neck and he held me down, grunting into my mouth. The room filled with the sounds from the shaking desk, his cock sloshing between my lips, and his balls slapping into the wetness leaking down my ass.

He released a guttural growl and pulled away to stand upright, wrapping his hand around my throat and pinning my hands above my head. His strokes became faster and he thrusted until his glans hit my cervix, causing me to jolt in pain. He proceeded to pound me, grunting, groaning, and growling in sheer pleasure.

"You like that, baby?" He purred, tightening his hold on my wrists and I nodded, wincing after every thrust and feeling my walls seal around him when I tensed in pain. He moaned out, slowing his strokes. "Are you going to be a good girl for me?"

"Yes, Alpha," I whimpered, more uncontrollable tears streaming down my face from the sharp pressure.

He furrowed his brows and exhaled shakily. "Good, baby," he purred, "you're my sexy girl—mine."

"I'm yours," I confirmed, his grip tightening around my throat and he began pounding me impossibly harder against the desk, his grunts and moans loudening.

"Say it again," he moaned, clenching his jaw.

"I'm yours, Alpha."

"You're so fucking sexy—fuck, babygirl, fuck. Your pussy feels so good on my cock," he whimpered, then pulled my hips over the edge and flipped me to my stomach with his dick still buried deep in my folds. The rotation applied more pressure to my g-spot and my legs trembled.

I felt my lips grip onto him as he carelessly used my body to stimulate his cock, fastening his thrusts with harsh, shallow gasps.

"Fuck me," I moaned, clenching the edge of his desk to steady myself. He wrapped both hands around my throat and pulled my back to his chest, forcing me to arch my breasts out as he proceeded to pound my pussy.

"Kayden!" I cried out, my body becoming engulfed by a heat wave and my muscles convulsed.

He held me against him, quickening his pace when my orgasm consumed me. That's when I felt a familiar swelling sensation, bringing him to a stop. My eyes rolled back in pleasure and his girth twitched upon release, his hot semen coating my walls with seven large loads he pumped into me.

Minutes passed and his knot began subsiding drastically, allowing him to slide out, cover himself, and turn me around. He held my waist to help me stand due to my trembling legs and stroked my cheek while we shared gazes, then he placed a soft, lingering kiss over my lips. I caressed his jaw, rubbing his bicep with my other hand.

"Kayden," I whispered, slightly pushing him back to talk clearly. He peered down at me.

"There's something I need to ask you," I said hesitantly, moving my hands down his chest and feeling my throat constrict under his intimidating gaze. "Do you feel..." I trailed off, swallowing repeatedly after failing to get the words out from fear.

"Does our connection really not matter to you?" I breathed, tears filling my eyes and my hands slowly massaged up his chest, tingles soaking faintly into my hands through the shirt. I let them trail over his shoulders, sliding down his arms until my hands found his, then I gradually guided them over my nude waist, up my sides, and firmly cupped them over each breast.

"Is this really all you ever want?" I asked, my voice trembling, and I tightened my hold around his hands to keep them in place. "Is this all you care about?" I pressed, his dead eyes never straying from mine.

"Well, I don't believe it," I replied shakily, lightly gasping when he slid his hands up, making mine fall down his forearms as he moved over my collar, up my neck, and cupped my face.

"Why's that?" He whispered. I stared at him, my lips parted to help me breathe under the weight in my chest and my grip loosened around his upper forearm.

"Because you never stopped kissing me," I answered as soon as the realization hit me.

"You don't kiss them during?"

"Fuck no. I only kiss them for foreplay, all I need is to get the both of us aroused. We makeout to fuck, not because I like it."

"We didn't fuck, we made love," I said, feeling my heart flutter and butterflies began swarming my stomach.

"You're not them," he lifted my chin, drawing my face closer toward his. "You're you," he murmured, a miniature smile crossing his lips.

I mirrored it, letting my eyes linger on the beautiful sight a moment more before fluttering my eyelids closed, feeling his lips come in very light contact with mine as though I'd shatter under any slight force.

He trapped me between his body and the desk, everything from my tailbone down hidden under the wood as I leaned against it. Neither of us made any moves, instead staying still to hold the kiss and savor every second.

Then he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

"Answer this one question for me," he randomly said, his eyes fixated on my still parted lips. "What're your thoughts on having sex in places you shouldn't with the constant risk of being caught?"

My eyes flickered to his lips and I smiled, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. "That sounds exhilarating... and so, so sexy," I purred, hearing him release a low, seductive chuckle.

"Then you're the perfect Luna," he added, capturing me in another explosive kiss.

As long as I'm yours.

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