The Merchants from the Depths | 059 |

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──❝The Merchants from the Depths❞──

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──❝The Merchants from the Depths❞──


A few days had passed since [Y/n] first stepped foot into the Monstro Lounge, and the experience had been nothing short of challenging yet undeniably fulfilling. [Y/n] marveled at the incredible pace and energy of the establishment, a bustling hub of activity where bartenders expertly juggled bottles, mixologists crafted the perfect concoctions, and servers weaved gracefully through the crowd, delivering orders with precision. As a server at the Monstro Lounge, [Y/n] gave credit where credit was due, particularly to the leech twins, fellow servers known for their patience and tolerance when dealing with self-important customers. Their ability to maintain composure in the face of demanding individuals was truly admirable.  

However, what made [Y/n]'s job more enjoyable were the admirers that seemed to flock to the Monstro Lounge. As [Y/n] went about her tasks, there were always those who would steal glances, smile in appreciation, or even strike up conversations. The charming compliments and occasional flirtation served as a welcomed respite from the demanding nature of the job, making it feel like [Y/n] was the star of the show. But amidst the lively atmosphere and the flurry of social interactions, [Y/n] had also been diligently studying and preparing for exams. Today marked the final examination, a moment that demanded every ounce of focus and effort. [Y/n] was determined to succeed and show that she could excel not only in the demanding world of hospitality but also in her academic pursuits. 

The sound of clinking glasses and animated chatter followed [Y/n] as she entered the lounge that afternoon. The familiar and comforting smell of spiced cocktails and polished wood filled the air, enveloping her in a sense of familiarity and reassurance. However, [Y/n] knew that her attention had to be focused solely on the impending exam. Stepping behind the bar counter, [Y/n] greeted her colleagues with a warm smile, exchanging pleasantries and camaraderie. Yet, her mind was elsewhere, mentally replaying the hours of study and preparation in the hope of retaining every bit of knowledge necessary to ace the final exam.   

As the afternoon sun painted a warm glow through the tall windows, casting playful shadows on the vintage wallpaper, [Y/n] found herself stealing glances at her cherished admirers. Their unwavering support had been a source of motivation throughout the past few days, reminding [Y/n] to stay diligent in her studies. It was their belief in her abilities that truly pushed her onward, fueling a desire to succeed and prove that she was capable of balancing both her duties at the Monstro Lounge and the demands of academia. With the arrival of the evening rush, the lounge transformed into a vibrant tapestry of lively conversations and clinking glasses. [Y/n] weaved through the buzzing crowd, gracefully navigating the chaotic dance of servers and patrons. The challenges of the job were ever-present, demanding swift reflexes, quick thinking, and utmost attentiveness.

But [Y/n] refused to let the pressures of the evening overshadow her determination to excel in the final exam. With each order taken, each drink gracefully presented, [Y/n] pushed aside any distractions, focusing solely on the mental preparation for the impending test. As the night wore on, the vivacity of the Monstro Lounge began to subside, transforming into a tranquil sanctuary. The patrons gradually bid their farewells, their laughter fading into the night. And as the last customer left, [Y/n] took a deep breath, momentarily relishing in the silence that enveloped the lounge. It was time. Amidst the dimly lit lounge, [Y/n] found solace at a secluded table, surrounded by textbooks, notes, and a determined spirit. The night was long, but [Y/n] persevered, pouring over every page, tirelessly revisiting concepts until they became imprinted in her mind.  

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