Teacher And Student

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Thanks to Paris, I now own only two pairs of jeans, five T-shirts and a pair of pajamas. For those of you, who have forgotten, Paris shredded all my clothes a while back ( How to Survive Paris' Anger). Now I have to borrow my friends' clothes. You'll probably be wonder why I'm telling you this. To be honest, I don't know either. I'm just frustrated that's all. You see, I have to reach the assembly hall in fifteen minutes for the Council Meeting and I don't have any decent clothes. Thankfully Sneha lent me a white lacy blouse. I paired it up with black jeans and flats. I just hoped I looked presentable.

"Anannya, come on, we'll be late." Sneha grabbed my arm and began dragging me towards the Administrative Building. When we reached, the meeting hadn't started but most of the participants had already taken their seats.

The Council Meeting was a big deal, mostly because the peace and quite of the school depended on it. Members of each specie attended the meeting, and it was the Reps who chose the attending members. Being a part of it was somewhat of an honor. It put you in a powerful position, well if you become a permanent member that is.

It reminded me somewhat of the Model United Nations. I had always wanted to participate in one, but unfortunately I never really got the chance. I'm always up for things like Student Council and Debate Teams. Sneha too. She is a very good leader, so such things suit her character. And even though I might seem like a air headed lunatic comme mega nerd, I tend to take on leadership roles.

"Do trees fall by themselves these days or is that just me." I heard a familiar voice. It took me a second to figure of, that it was addressed to me.

"Um, what?" I turned to see Greg leaning against a doorframe. Beside me Sneha paled.

"I could have...just been a coincidence?" I shrugged.

"I wouldn't be so carefree if I were you. Nothing at Brixton Academy is just a coincidence."

"It doesn't have anything to do with you." Sneha grumbled.

"Why yes, of course it does. There are attempted murders taking place, how do you expect me to be calm?" Greg said mockingly.

"Besides, I owed her one." His voice lost all playfulness. I gulped. It was ture. Things weren't adding up and it was a good enough reason for me to stay alert.

"Thank you." I said.

"Like I said, I owed you one. And a word of advice; don't trust people blindly, even the closest of friends true into enemies, here" with that he stalked off. The color for Sneha face had Completely drained.

"What's wrong?" I asked, but she simply shook her head and took a seat.

Was there something I was missing? I racked my brain for answers, but I came up empty handed.

"Good luck." Derek wished as he took a seat in front of us. The Reps sat in he front. Soon Aura joined him. She turned back and nodded at us asurringly.

The atmosphere was thick with tension. The Wizards and Vampires were still wary of each other. Although they kept their composure. The Fallen Angels and Angels did no such thing. They made sure that the other party was aware of their loathing towards them.

"Ahem." Aura cleared her throat. "Today, we will focus solely on the Angels and Fallen Angel Conflict. Before we all put forward our opinions, I would like both parties to share how the dispute began."

There was an uneasy silence as the Reps glared at one another. Sophie Burg and Kyle Thomson were representative on behalf of the Angels while Kimberly Dock and Nicolas Medas (Yes are douchebag of a leader.) Where representing the Fallen Angels.

"This disputes goes long back, to the time of our ancestors. " Kyle began. "Our species have never gotten along. We're're are archenemies, we have been taught to dispice one another. We don't need a reason to start disputes."

"However, this time, the dispute has caused some damage. To be specific, this particular conflict started when a fight broke out between an Angel and a Fallen Angel. It was a petty fight, but it worsened when both the people called for back up. However the fight was stopped by the Hunters." Sophie spoke with false composure.

"Even after the fight ended, the Fallen Angels felt the need to feul the fire.That night they raided one of our member's room. Obviously, we couldn't sit still and let them do as they pleased, so we Faught back." Kyle finished.

It was a surprise that Nicolas hadn't interjected even once. But it didn't stay like that for long.

"It's ture, that our members fought and it was us who continued the fight, but we were provoked. No one starts a fight for the fun of it." It was Kimberly who spoke first.

"I don't see the point in discussing this. We have been fighting decades. And all your attempts to solve the matter are always in vain." Nicolas' voice was quite, yet deadly. There was a reason no one messed with Nicolas.

"Ture." Derek didn't deny it. "We never truly come up with a apt solution to our problems. And its impossible to get two species who have loathed each other for mellinium to suddenly become allies. But, for the formality of it, we need to come up with temporary measures to keep peace." What Derek said was ture. Any solution we come up with is only temporary. Fights will still happen and species will continue to detest one another. Nothing can be done about it. We can however, maintain peace for as long as we can.

"Now, does anyone have any suggestions regarding the matter." Sneha and I raised our hand. Aura signaled us to speak.

"Recently, there has been a shortage in the Angel teaching faculty." I began.

"And since, Angels and Fallen Angels follow the same principles and fundamentals, it would be a good idea for the Fallen Angels to take over the teaching process." Sneha added.

"It would be a graded project. Angels and FAs will have to work in teams of two. The Angels will be graded based on their progress while FAs will be graded on their teaching skills."

"Everyone wants easy grades, so I don't think anyone would refuse. It would account up to per cent of their final grades. And we will hold periodic tests and challenges to measure their progress."

"The risk of disputes is less, since it's a graded project. Also this could help build trust, although there is no guarantee of that." We concluded.

"Interesting. But wouldn't it also increase the risk of fights. Not everyone is concerned about their grades." Greg noted.

"Yes, that is very well a possibility, but we will have Hunters monitor everything." I answered.

"It makes keeping track of disputes easier." Sneha clarified.

"This seems like the the best plan right now. Does anyone have any other suggestions?" There were wispers from all around he room.

"Our suggestion were quite similar, we tough of combined training and other such things." Answered a wizard.

"Seems like everyone had similar suggestions then. So no one has any problem with our current plan?" No one disagreed.

"During the assembly tomorrow, after we have gotten the idea approved, the pairs will be picked through a lottery system, to keep things fair." With that things ended.

That afternoon, Derek, Aura and I went to Ms. Hemsly to get the plan approved. She seemed pleasantly surprised that the idea belonged to Sneha and I. It felt nice to be praised.

The next day, an assembly was held. I stood with Sneha and watched curiously. They were announcing the teams. I tried to recognize the names, but I didn't know many people. I eagerly waited to see who Aaushka would be paired with.

"Anushka Surage and Nicolas Medas." My eyes widened. Sneha and I glanced at Anushka who froze in her spot shell shocked.

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